Chapter 3: Threatening Danger

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After Quidditch, all the players exited the Stadium, it was time for the Awarding of Medals. The Holyhead Harpies had won and given gold Medals. After the Ceremony, all the families celebrated in the Potter's tent and brought out butterbeer to drink with everyone "To the HolyHead Harpies!!" said Harry and Everyone roared with joy "To the HolyHead Harpies!!" They all celebrated as Fabienne kissed Tom and Harry gave a kiss to his Wife. Sometime later after their celebration, All the kids were asleep and some cuddled into each other, but Rose looked like she was having another nightmare and woke up breathing heavily hoping that she did not wake anyone as she went out for some air. She felt exhausted to see the same dream that she had the other night and felt strange to see the same girl as she went too deep and thought, she felt a tap on her shoulder which startled her until she saw that it was her mother who was carrying hot chocolate and her mom asked her with a smile "Want some hot chocolate?" Rose nodded and Hermione gave her the drink as she sat down with her. Rose drank the hot chocolate and it helped her calm down, her mother asked "Did something happen Rose?" As she stirred her drink, Rose looked at her drink and told her mom "I just had a bad dream, nothing wrong" but as she looked into her mom's eyes, Hermione became concerned and asked her another question "What kind of nightmare was it?" Rose complained angrily "It's nothing Mom! You don't have to be nosy!" She started to get angry because it was stupid to have a nightmare when she was old enough to handle it but Hermione stayed calm and gestured to her to sit down again and she did. Hermione drank her hot chocolate and began to talk again. "You know young lady, you are still my daughter and I know when you are happy and when you are sad or even scared to tell me anything." Rose looked to her mom with a guilty look on her face and Hermione continued "I just want to know what you are feeling that's all." After some time Rose finally told her mom about her dream about the lady and her castle and Her mom said "Oh no! I am sorry, Rose. I told your father to not tell those kinds of stories at night." and Hermione hugged her daughter and she felt calm in her mother's arms. But suddenly there was a blast and the people out there screamed. The families grabbed their wands out and they thought that the Dark Lord was back. No. It was something else worse than Death Eaters, Dementors, and Obscurials. It was an unknown army of Dark Witches and Wizards with their black hoods covering their faces, beside their leader whose face was also covered with his black hood. Rose remembered that bedtime story that her father told her last night. "Rose!! What are you doing?!" Selene shrieked. Hugo grabbed Rose's hand for safety to hide with the other children. Meanwhile with Astoria, she almost Got hit by the Sleeping Curse's Blast but Draco grabbed her hand and stunned the witch that almost targeted his wife. Ron, Hermione, and Harry were attacking other people with the black hood and heard Ginny scream with pain and ran to her as he stopped the person who hurt his wife. Tom was with Fabienne as they attacked the black hoods but got separated through the crowd as he continued to shout "FABIENNE!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!" The Black hoods continued to attack and Ministry people that were there in the tournament kept getting smaller until Olivia casted a charm that slowed everything and put all the blackhoods on the ground and were tied by the trees and said "Why is it always like this when there is a tournament? I just wanted to sleep, but oh well". That incident lasted for 19 minutes and some Wizarding families were put to sleep, some got killed, some went missing, and some got injured. As Rose saw the fire from the place they were hiding, she knew that it was somehow related with her dream and the day that everything would start to change.

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