Chapter 15: A Cure

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Louis asked "What can cure the Sleeping Spell? Is it reversible?" "I don't know if this can be reversible but good luck to you tomorrow since it's past your bedtime and you're our only hope, mi amigas (my friends)" sighed Tedros. Myrtle spoke "I hope that all of your potions, medicine and treatments can work." All bowed and went back to their dorms, dozed off with the hope of saving their friends. The next day, The Hint Theorists separated to get the ingredients for a potion hoping that it can save their friends. They had to separate to get more ingredients. As for the Hufflepuffs, they snuck into the greenhouse to get mandrakes and other plants for the ingredients. As the Gryffindors and Slytherin had a potions class together, they used that time to get more ingredients. As for the Ravenclaws, they tested the potion and wrote down the ingredients and the steps on how to make a potion. When they went to the hospital wing, Dr. Pomfrey interrupted and said "Yes? How may I help you?" "Doctor, we made the potions for the victims who are under the Sleeping Curse," said Louis. "But professionals and doctors can do the job" she protested a little. Albus begged "Please can we use these to wake them up" Dr. Pomfrey said to them all "I know you all worked hard and want to help but everyone also did the same thing" she showed them a table filled with potions from so many students with the same potions as she continued "Everyone tried but it never worked, So I ask you to leave and go back to your classes before a professor scolds you. Thank you." She turned around and went back to her office. After Doctor Pomfrey left the office, the cousins approached the victims under a Sleeping Curse and tested the potions. Did the work or was it still the same? Albus felt a little hopeless and teared up a bit "I guess that ours couldn't work too. It's no use. Let's go back to our dorms before the teacher catches us." As they left, Rose went back to the library when she remembered what Tedros said before sort de rêve. Before she went there, she asked permission from Professor McGonagall's office to go to the restricted section and see how she was doing. As she went inside, she saw lots of books on the sides and a big cauldron which made her think about how she is trying her best to make potions for the students even when potions was not her specialty. Professor McGonagall came from a back door and sat down as she asked Rose "Hello my dear, what brings you here today?" She was happy to see someone visit her even at a hard time as Rose responded, "I came here today to See how you were doing, Professor." As she said that a smile came to Professor McGonagall's face and she responded "I am fine miss Weasley, Retirement suits me very well and I am just having some few troubles between me and the school. Yet I also know that you wouldn't come here just because you wanted to see me." Rose looked down sadly but looked up again confidently "I would like to also have permission to go to the Restricted section in the library." as she saw Professor McGonagall's face, she wasn't angry, but she looked like she knew this would happen as she responded, "Well I could but the books in the restricted section are not there anymore." Rose's face was confused as Professor McGonagall continued "It's all in here," As Rose turned her head, she saw a book went rogue but caught it in her arms. Professor McGonagall laughed as she told her "I transferred them all in here so I can help all the students who are sleeping since I can't walk to two places at once. So, what book will you read Ms. Weasley?" Rose was amazed as she heard that her power was powerful around the school, maybe even the ministry and responded "Umm... all the Potion books, spell books that you have in here and Potions and Spells by Maria Clarrisa ma'am" As she said that, Professor McGonagall gave it to her and she sat down at her chair as Rose read on the floor trying to find the spell that she heard from Tedros. She skimmed each book for its name, and it continued for a few hours as Professor McGonagall asked her to sit down and have some treats with her. They talked forever until Professor McGonagall was called to the hospital wing. Professor McGonagall's face changed as soon as she heard and told Rose "Sorry Ms. Weasley but our conversation will have to wait for a moment, I will come back shortly." As soon as she left, Rose went back to reading all the books that were left and when she was at the last book that she was given, She only thought that it would be her last hope before giving up. She finally read it and she finally found it.

Sort de rêve - Dream spell.

This spell is an ancient spell that comes from 3000 BC – AD 500. It was made by a sorcerer who wanted to sleep and passed this down to his followers as he slept and died. Many used this spell to kill people in their sleep but were arrested if that spell would ever be used ever again and was known as a forgotten curse that would never be used ever again. What this spell shows you is unknown but was rumored to show what you truly wanted and live in that world forever. The Cure is unknown but shows a riddle.


As I dream into my fantasies, there is one that cannot leave me at ease. I can feel but cannot swallow, in others eyes it will never reveal, yet it will follow. Look into the heart and hear what I say, change one before I depart as death greets me at daybreak.

As soon as she saw this, she was happy but confused on how this riddle would help her. As soon as Professor McGonagall came back, she saw her face confused, stressed, and afraid and Rose went over to her "Professor McGonagall Are you alright?" As she turned around, she told Rose, "Rose, if you have found something you must inform me immediately, now you must leave." as she went to the door Rose was getting more confused and asked "Why? What's wrong Professor?" Professor McGonagall went close to her and said, "The students are starting to decompose and drift away to death, so we need help from professionals and even your family." Rose was shocked to hear this as Professor McGonagall continued "It is not safe anymore and we need your help to save these students, Ms. Weasley" Rose nodded immediately as Professor McGonagall hugged her as she told her "Don't trust one behind the mirror Rose." She let go of her as she saw Rose's expression confused and scared of what was going on. Professor McGonagall led her to her secret staircase so she would be safe as Rose asked her in a scared tone "Professor McGonagall, is someone going after you?" Before she explained she heard something coming and said, "Go now, Ms. Weasley, I will be fine." She didn't fall for it and said, "I am not going without you, Headmistress!" There was a sudden bang and said to her "Go Now!" As soon as she closed the door, she ran down the stairs with tears in her eyes as she continuously heard loud bangs from the office of Headmistress McGonagall. When she found the exit which was one of the paintings in the grand staircase, she checked each corner to find if there were teachers or students and left the paintings as she ran fast with speed, she never knew she had. She kept on thinking how Headmistress McGonagall was ever since she left her alone in her office and the Riddle that she told her as if she was warning her that Hogwarts was not safe anymore. Then she suddenly bumped into something or someone as she put her wand out, she saw the face of the person and it was Scorpius whose hands were up holding an apple as he said in an awkward way "Hey you OK? " she hugged him and was grateful to see a familiar face after what happened and she felt his heartbeat was beating very fast as he asked "Did something happen Rose?" She removed herself from their embrace and before she could explain exhaustion hit her after running through the stairs for a long time and collapsed to the floor, gladly Scorpion caught her before she hit the ground as he asked worriedly "Are you OK Rose? We have to bring you to the hospital wing. "But she held his hand as she told him "No, bring me to my common room and look for Molly." He did what she said using the float charm and before she knew it everything went black.

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