Chapter 13: Christmas Clues

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December came by so soon that the ground was covered in soft silver white snow as if it was covered with a white fluffy cotton-like blanket. Some of the students signed up to go home for the Christmas break as usual while some of the students signed to stay at Hogwarts for the Christmas break. The Weasleys, The Potters, The Riddles, Willow De Lav, Scorpion Malfoy, and Calista Berkshire decided to stay at school to search more about Princess Alianora, Baruch, and the unknown witch or wizard who created the Spell. As Rose and Molly were playing Gobstones, Headmaster Grimm stopped by the Gryffindor Table and spoke kindly "Aren't you going home for Christmas to spend time with your family?" "No. We decided not to because we're gonna stay here for erm..." Before Rose could finish making a white lie, Molly continued for her cousin "We're staying here at Christmas break for a school project that we have." "Alright then. You don't want to get stressed out but make sure to take breaks," said Headmaster Grimm and he walked away. Molly looked at Rose curiously and asked "Isn't it weird that he is asking every student about everything they are doing? " Rose looked at her and said "Yes, yes, it is strange." The both of them went back to their common rooms as they prepared for their Christmas feast. They all met each other in the Great Hall and were about to have a chat until The Headmaster interrupted them as he started his speech. Everyone cheered and ate but Esau suddenly dropped something as Rose went under as well, he told her "We'll meet at an hour before midnight at Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom," as he got what he dropped and soon removed his head under the table as she did to her head as well. The headmaster was suddenly at the back of Esau as he asked them "What were you both doing under the table? " They looked at each other as Esau told him "I just dropped my fork sir. She just wanted to help." As he finished, the headmaster nodded as he left the great hall. After dinner, she was getting ready for bed when she was actually preparing for their meeting. She saw the time was 11 as she went down the stairs and saw some of her cousins in the main room as they left to Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom with Harry's invisibility cloak that he let James borrow for the year. As they went there, they found all of their siblings decorating the bathroom with Christmas lights as Moaning Myrtle was looking at how pretty the little Christmas tree they brought as Willow was fixing the size of the tree that was filled with presents. The Riddles, Calista Berkshire, and Scorpion Malfoy came on time to the bathroom with the gathered books holding in their hands. It made her feel excited to finally have some Christmas cheer with no one looking around them suspiciously. Moaning Myrtle agreed to let them have Christmas in her toilet since she knew that they were acquainted with Harry Potter even his children she can recognize and give them protection from anyone who would bother them and in return they would give her anything she wanted which was to go inside a human body to give someone a hug. As they waited for the clock to strike 12, Ted broke out the silence as he said "So how is everyone doing? " Everyone looked at each other and said, "We are good." Time passed by quickly and as the clock struck 12, they all passed each other gifts that they made for each other and from their aunts and uncles. Roxanne patted her shoulder and asked "Rose, we got some beans for you" "What is it?" She asked her cousin. Molly answered, "So basically, we heard rumors from our classmates talking about the headmaster" She gulped and continued "They said that he may be acquainted with the black hoods" Willow asked, "Do you think this is true?" Willow asked. Rose was about to answer her question until they all heard footsteps as if someone was going to the bathroom. Selene whispered, "I hear someone coming! Everyone, hide!" Esau hid the books near a bathroom stall as Willow casted a hex charm to make them invisible that the human eye won't be able to see what is under it and he, Selene, The Potters, The Weasleys, Willow, Calista, and Scorpion hid under the cloak and saw Professor Headmaster Grimm going to the bathroom. They waited for him to exit the lavatory and as he left. Louis said to them as they sat down "We have to hurry and figure this out before another person comes out of that door and finds out about that sleeping curse." Myrtle came out and asked, "What are you talking about?" "We're talking about the Legend of Princess Alianora and the Sleeping Curse," said Dominique. She also asked "Perhaps, you know Princess Alianora?" "Sure! But it shouldn't be me to tell you the whole story," said Myrtle.      

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