Chapter 5: Back to Hogwarts

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A few weeks later, everyone left the shelter and went to Diagon alley to get their books, although Rose never saw her cousins after the Quidditch tournament. Later on, A funeral was held for Pansy Riddle as everyone cried as she got buried into the earth. After that, it was time to go back to Hogwarts and start fresh. The families and their children gathered for school and at King's Cross, Tom reunited with Enzo Berkshire, his friend and shook his hand "How are you doing, friend?" "Dangerous! There was a disaster after the Quidditch World Cup a few weeks ago." Tom responded. Enzo pitied him and cooed "Yes! I read in the Daily Prophet, and I hope you're ok!" Fabienne replied "Ginny has a broken arm and Pansy is dead." "I'm sorry for your loss, Fabienne and Tom" Enzo patted them on their shoulders and introduced the Riddle family to his wife, Daphne Greengrass and his daughter, Calista who had light brown hair with rainbow highlights and brown eyes, meaning she could be a metamorphmagus. The Potters came in and they saw Ginny with a cast on her arm with writings on it as the Potter boys gave a hug to Deuteronomy and Albus asked him "Are you OK, Deu?" and Deuteronomy responded with a monotone "I am fine." as he gave a small smile back. The De Lav family came in laughing at how they were about to be late for the train and hugged each other and the other families. After the family talked, it was time for the children to go to school and they said their goodbyes. Deuteronomy didn't talk to anyone after his mother's death and Willow was soothing him until Calista came and introduced herself. "Hi! I'm Calista Berkshire!" Deuteronomy shook hands with her while he was still in grief. "What's the matter with him?" "Deu lost his mother after the Quidditch World Cup a few weeks ago" Willow responded. Calista pitied Deu when her eyes turned blue with sadness "I'm sorry for your loss Deu." "It's fine. When we go to the Quidditch World Cup, Let's hope that this incident will never happen again." Deu said in a depressed tone as he looked at the window and saw his father walk away without talking to the other families. Rose was in one compartment with the Potters and Hugo as she read about the fairytale to think how it is related to what happened in the tournament. The door of their compartment opened and saw Fred Weasley II and Anisa Creevey introduced themselves and talked on their way to Hogwarts. On the other compartment there was Willow who was reading with Esau while he made a paper crane and Selene was talking to Calista, but Deuteronomy was listening to the rain as he looked at the window for far too long and didn't speak to anyone. Rose was buying some sweets and saw the compartment Deuteronomy was not himself and wanted to talk to him but saw Scorpion arriving and he said to Rose "What's going on with Deu?" "Lost his mother during the Quidditch Accident" Rose responded. "He used to be so cheerful, helpful, and always social!" Scorpion said pitifully. Rose replied, "I know, but let's hope that he can recover from depression, and he'll be happy again, even when there are more clues to find." as Scorpion gave an awkward smile, he saw the book that she was carrying and asked her "Is that from the legend of Princess Alianora?" asked Scorpion. Rose hissed at him "You don't have to brag about it, Scorpion!" Scorpion shut his mouth immediately as she rolled her eyes and said, "Talk to you later I guess," and walked to the compartment as Scorpion stood in silence after what he said and left as well. As Rose went inside all of her cousins were celebrating since they would all be going back to Hogwarts. She smiled and sat back down as she watched her cousins dancing.

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