Chapter 12: Quidditch Disaster

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A few days later, Selene and Willow were practicing with other Hufflepuffs since they will go up against the Slytherins and their captain has been making them work hard and they were starting to get tired. Albus did the same and they were warming up for theirs too after he passed the auditions and remembered that he had a role to do while playing Quidditch. A few days went on as the day of the Quidditch Match came. Before the match was about to start Albus, Selene, and Louis met up to check on each other before it started as Selene gave him a sweet hug while Louis gave him a big bear hug that he felt like he couldn't breathe for a moment. Albus said to Selene, "I don't want to hurt you, Selene." "Me too, Albus. I don't want to fight you either," Selene panicked. Scorpion cheered up "Good luck to your team!" "You too!" said Willow. Professor Leonidas Crowley barked "Get ready, players! You don't want to miss out and be late for the game!" The Quidditch Players mounted on their brooms to get ready. "Take your mark!" barked Professor Crowley and he made a signal using his wand and the Quidditch players started flying to play the Quidditch Game. While playing, Scorpion watched what Headmaster Grimm was doing. The Slytherins cheered for their team with Green and Silver Snake banner designs that say "Go, Slytherins! Team Snakes!" while for the Hufflepuffs, they did the same thing for their team with Black and Yellow Badger banner designs that say "Go, badgers! Team Hufflepuffs!" Calista shrieked happily as her eyes turned yellow with joy, "Go, Selene! You can do this!" While playing Quidditch, One of the Hufflepuff players named Amanda Burton, a muggleborn who was a chaser felt something heavy in her eyes and an exhaust in her body, yawning and making her broom slow down and stop. "Amanda! Get up and continue the game!" screeched Selene. "I can't. I'm so slee—" before Amanda could finish, she fell to the ground and was hit by the sleeping spell. Dr. Pomfrey and Professor Crowley brought Amanda to the hospital wing. As the game continued, Albus noticed that Headmaster W.J. Grimm isn't at the Quidditch Game. One of the Slytherin Players, Epimetheus Zabini, the son of Blaise Zabini screamed "Albus! Focus on the Game!" As the game was about to end soon, the Hufflepuffs almost got the Golden Snitch, but Albus managed to catch it and the Slytherins won for the first time in a long time and Scorpion shrieked with joy "Yes! We won!" The Hufflepuffs were disappointed to see their team lose as Calista's eyes turned blue with disappointment that her team lost but hoped that her house would win again. As the players were about to go back to their original places, a blast hit the Hufflepuff and Slytherin players, making them fall to the ground and sleep. But luckily for Willow, Selene and Albus, they managed to escape. The teaching staff noticed that the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins were affected with the Spell, so they called them to bring them to the Hospital Wing. As the other students went back to their dorms, Albus ran to Scorpion as he panicked "Are you alright, Albus?" "I'm ok, Scorpion. It's just that I was frightened that I might get affected with this spell" Albus breathed heavily as his heart pounded faster than a rabbit. The players that were able to stay awake left the Quidditch Pitch and went back to their own common rooms as they all knew that it isn't safe anymore.   

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