Chapter 9: The New Teacher of History of Magic

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Everyone was waiting for the teacher to arrive until the new professor came in. That professor had silky black hair in a bun, shiny black eyes like leather shoes, tan skin, and wore a white Barot Saya. Selene exclaimed with excitement "She is a Filipino!" The Professor greeted them politely in a Filipino accent, "Good Morning, Class!" "Good morning, Professor..." the class chorused. Then the new teacher introduced herself in a pomp voice while writing her name with a wand made of Applewood and Mermaid Hair which measured 8 ½ inches, "My name is Professor Seraphina Minggoy but you can call me Ms. Minggoy. I will be your new teacher in History of Magic for the rest of the school year and we're gonna make this more interesting and fun instead of monotonous just like what Professor Binns always does. Falling asleep in class and making lessons uninteresting." The whole class roared with cheers as History of Magic started getting vibrant for the first time in years. "So today, we'll be learning about Salem Witch Trials. Now, who can tell me what happened during the Salem Witch Trials?" Rose raised her hand and spoke firmly "The Salem Witch Trials started in February 1692 and ended in May 1693 in Salem, Massachusetts. That event is a series and hearings of accusing innocent witches and wizards doing magic, which is why they get exposed to muggles, leading them to be extinct by being burnt to death, hung by the noose, stabbed or shot, drowned by the river, etc. This is why the Wizarding World had to separate with the muggle world. Even though there are muggles still working in their world, some don't even know why witches and wizards still exist today." "Excellent! 20 Points to Gryffindor!" Miss Minggoy boomed. Then she spoke cheerfully "Anything else to add?" Selene raised her hand and spoke sharply "The reason why witches and wizards hate muggles and squibs is because of how they were treated as wicked by muggles so, the witches and wizards started teaching their families about pureblood supremacy and discriminated against some half-bloods, all muggleborns, all pureblood traitors, squibs, and muggles. It didn't only happen in Salem, America but in other countries as well." "Very good, Miss Riddle! 30 Points to Hufflepuff!" Miss Minggoy spoke sharply. From then on, Miss Minggoy made the class interesting not only with her teaching but with her stories, giving them free ube biscuits, planning field trips, and other fun things. Now, History of Class became the best subject and Professor Minggoy became everyone's favorite teacher. 

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