Chapter 18: Nightfall

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Meanwhile with Team A, Willow, Selene and Deuteronomy were still fighting his followers as Nehemiah watched them struggle. They all tried to support each other but there were too many and they were outnumbered. "Give it up now, will you? Your magic is skilled, but your saving won't work!" Nehemiah sneered. "Your friends will die soon and there will be no happily ever after but only a tragedy!" Willow growled and spat at the Dark Wizard "No! You'll never win and just to tell you, even though Alianora died, Baruch joined her together in death!" "Ah yes! That one! You'll soon join your dear friends!" Nehemiah smirked as he jeered. Selene growled "No! We won't give up! We'll keep fighting!" They continued to fight Nehemiah. As Rose fought with her might, she noticed someone was missing and checked everywhere until she saw a certain someone ducking for cover near a column as she told Willow and Selene "Can you guys cover me?" as Willow shouted "Don't take too long Ro! They are multiplying!" She kicked one of them at the face as Rose looked for Deuteronomy. She grabbed him by the shoulders and asked him calmly "What are you doing Deu?" Deu sat up and answered, "I am finding cover, you guys don't need me." Rose knelt down and said, "We do, if you look over there we are surrounded by followers of this evil man." Deu looked and saw chaos swarming in as they got near and Rose told him "Deu, you are the fastest person of the four of us and one of the powerful at the moment. You have to help us, Deu, for your mother." As she said that, Deu stood up and went straight forward to the followers and crushed each one of them and defeated them one by one as Willow smiled and used one of her favorite spells on them while Selene was hanging from the ceiling and ran to the followers defeating them. Suddenly a big loud bump caught everyone's attention and looked at them as Scorpion spoke "Delivery!!" as James, Albus, and Molly attacked the followers, everyone started smiling as they attacked all of them as James said to Rose "Hi" and she gestured a wave as they attacked each one of them as James saw Nehemiah running away and James told her "Get to the fake headmaster Rosie, we got this!" Rose looked at Scorpion as he nodded and ran for the stairs. She ran fast as she continued to attack Nehemiah but dodged her spells and continued to run for a long time. As she continued to run to the top of the tower, she saw that they were in the castle that Princess Alianora used to live in. Suddenly was attacked from behind her scratching her arm and felt impeccable pain but bearable to hold. She continued to attack him with her might that it scratched his face which made him angry that he finally had enough as he screamed "Hypno Dormi!!" She was hit but continued to fight sleepily that he was surprised how well she was holding up until she collapsed to the floor. He gave a malicious smile as he said, "You should have never believed", she answered him "No! As you believe you will learn from others, and I learned that I will ALWAYS believe that love is real, and I will never become like you!!" He scoffed as he kicked her face and told her "Now, time to join in together in death! Avada—" Before Nehemiah was about to cast the Killing Curse, she remembered what her aunt taught her, the ultimate turn. She caught him by his legs and his wand before he noticed as she turned to lock his legs but made him fall to his death. As she felt glory, she felt sleepy and lied down on the floor to finally sleep peacefully.

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