TT: Part One

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Eyes slowly opened, soon they went wide as realisation hit. A boy of eight years old was trapped inside of a tube with a weird blue liquid, his feet forced to stay away from the ground, a weird mask on his face that made his vision more blue-like. He beat the glass of the tube in fear, getting the attention of a man in a white coat that was working on an old computer. The man turned to him and smiled.

"Ah, I'm glad you're awake, little one," he said. "Did you sleep well?"

The boy tried to say something, but the mask on his mouth muffled his voice. He cried, filled with fear, confused on what was going on or why he was there. The man seemed familiar, but his face was oddly blurred. The man stood up from his chair and walked to the boy with his smile on his face. "There's no need to be scared," he said. "You're going to be alright, my boy."

Those words were filled with lies, and the boy knew it somehow. The man approached a desk and grabbed a device with red and green buttons on it. "This might hurt a bit, but the pain will be quick if you don't struggle." he pressed a green button.

In an instinct of fear, the boy banged and beat on the glass of the tube, desperately trying to break it. The liquid started to get colder and a black goop formed below him, soon emerging and surrounding his torso, trapping his legs and attaching itself around his neck. He tried to scream and plead to be let go, but his voice was muffled, his body started to freeze with the water. The man watched as the black goop turned into a spiky tentacle, his smile shaped into a grin.


A boy gasped and sat down properly on his seat, his breath was heavy and his eyes were filled with tears. He took a deep breath and wiped his tears from his face, "It was just a dream, Gideon," he told himself. "It was just a dream."

Gideon put his elbow on the edge of the bus' window and rested his head on his hand, watching the scenery drift outside. They were still a bit far from their destination: a small town in Oregon named Gravity Falls, where his father and uncle grew up. The family decided it would be fun to pay a visit and join the tourists on that little town that was filled with attractions, or how Gideon knew them, tourist traps.

A yawn next to him called his attention, Gideon turned his head to his cousin Pacifica, who stretched her arms as she woke up and blinked her eyes twice. A grin appeared on her face as she turned to Gideon. "Good morning! Or afternoon, I don't know." she said. "Are we there yet? Is this Gravity Falls?" she bounced and twisted on her seat and threw herself on the window, smashing her nose to look outside.

"Um, no," Gideon replied. "But I don't think we'll take long."

"Cool!" Pacifica threw herself back, almost falling on the floor. Gideon couldn't help but chuckle.

"You kids awake?" a voice asked.

Gideon and Pacifica followed the voice with their heads, seeing Priscilla Pines, Pacifica's mother, turned at them. Pacifica raised her arms. "We're awake and ready to play!"

Gideon blinked twice. "Yeah," he said. "Ready to play. . ."

"Gideon, are you okay?" Priscilla asked.

Hearing that question got someone from the seat behind the cousins to jump forward and almost push Gideon's seat. "Why is she asking that? Are you hurt? Wounded? Did something happen?!"

"Mom, calm down! I'm okay!" Gideon replied.

She let out a relieved sigh and turned back to her seat. Gideon looked away and Priscilla turned back to the front. Pacifica knew him too well — better than his own parents — she knew he was lying, she leaned on Gideon's shoulder and looked at him with a silly smile. "Whaddup, Gid? Whatcha sad for?"

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