WMP: Part Two

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The sunset glinted on the back of pine tree with eyes and shooting star (or Christmas tree, how Pacifica and Gideon nicknamed it) at the top. The cousins waited in the long line — one that went down the streets and turned the quarter — with Pacifica's parents. Whatever was inside this building, behind the curtains of the stage, was really amazing in this town, to the point the number of people to come watch the show was big.

The line started to move, at the entrance, an old-looking man was standing collecting tickets. Once it was the Pines' turn, Preston gave his ticket to the man. "Long time no see, right, Stanley?"

Stanley, the man, smiled gleefully at Preston. "Back in town, huh? Welcome!' he said. "Enjoy the show."

They stepped inside of the tent. Pacifica gasped at seeing the bulbs of the entrance hall had different colours each. She pointed at them with a huge grin in her face. Gideon looked up at the bulbs as he walked down the hall, a short smile made way to his face. Once he stepped inside the showroom, his eyes narrowed at the darkness. He blinked twice and tried to guide himself with the small lights on the sides of the seat rows. The cousins found their seats with Preston and Priscilla near the fourth row, they sat down and waited for the moment the show would truly begin.


Dipper forced himself to not bite his nails. He couldn't believe that years of performance, and a year traveling California and Oregon, he was still so nervous about being on a stage.

This time, things were a little bit different. He wanted to do something he wasn't used to doing out of town: showcase the mystical hiding behind it. Not just a fake trinket, although, he would have to use some of them because the audience couldn't know the real show. Sadly, he had to play pretend, but he still would bring some of the supernatural itself into the stage with him. He was excited, truly excited. And also, really anxious.

"Dipper, are you done shaking yet?" Mabel asked.

He looked at her. "I'm not shaking,"

"You may be a good actor to those idiots, but you can't lie to me," Mabel said. "C'mon, what's going on?"

"Mabel, do you realise what we're gonna do tonight?" Dipper jumped off the stool. "We're not just putting on some circus tricks, we're—"

"Showing real magic, I know," Mabel snorted. "Still funny how after all those years you still act like this when showing off the mystical."

"It's more than that, Mabel," Dipper said. "We're not just showing what we have, but what they have too."

Mabel sighed. "Oh, that."

"Yes, that," Dipper said. "It's been such a long time since I've wanted to stop hiding the wonderful things behind a shadow and just showing off some mind-reading, dancing and singing, this is Gravity Falls!" he added. "Our hometown, we know—"

The door was opened, both the twins turned to look at the silhouette at the door; Wendy leaned towards it and put a hand on her waist, the other pointed with her thumb towards the outside of the dressing room. "You're in on five minutes,"

Dipper closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Thanks, Wendy." he looked at the hanger on the wall. "We're going soon."

Wendy left the dressing room. Dipper quickly took his cape — a white one with a blue button to attach it around him — and left the dressing room with Mabel. As they stood at the wings, Mabel smoothed her dress. Dipper put his fingers together behind his back, and waited for the moment to step in.

Then the lights went off. Dipper smiled.

It's showtime.

His heartbeat grew faster, but he managed to calm himself and look calm, positioning himself dramatically on the stage with his sister before the spotlight pointed at the twins.

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