WMP: Part Four

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Pacifica walked through the streets, being guided by the flyer of where to find the current stay of Dipper Delightful and Mabel Gleeful. She heard of the Gleefuls having a mansion, and was quite surprised that it wasn't there where she'd find them. Well, at least their new place was closer than the Gleeful Mansion. She carried a basket with some chocolate and strawberry cupcakes that she had made herself for the twins; hopefully they'd like it.

She stopped in front of a two-floor house with a trailer at the side, the trailer had the same Christmas tree symbol she had seen at the tent and at the back wall of the stage. She walked to the door and knocked on it, waiting for a reply. The door was opened. She looked up to a red-haired teenager with a green tank top and ripped jeans, wearing a dark eyeliner and makeup, looking down to her. Did she come to the wrong house?

"What do you want?" the teen asked.

Pacifica smiled. "Hi! I'm looking for Dipper Delightful and Mabel Gleeful! Are they here?"

"Mabel went shopping with her friends," the teen said. "Dipper is over there." she pointed to the trailer.

"Thanks, gothic girl!" Pacifica went to the trailer, then knocked on the door.


Dipper stopped brushing his hair and whirled to look at the door with a raised brow. He turned to look at the clock, it was still One Thirty P.M, so why was Wendy, his uncle or anyone else there? He put the brush on the dressing table and stood up. Was he forgetting something? Nah, he would never, he's cautious with everything.

He opened the trailer's door, his eyes went wide.

That Pacifica girl?

Her gasp made him take a step back. What was wrong with her? Did she not expect him to reply her, or something?

"You're so cute without the show outfit!" she exclaimed. "Well, you were cute either way, but still!"

Dipper looked down to himself. He was wearing a sleeveless blazer with a red long-sleeve shirt underneath it, a pair of brown shorts and black shoes. Oh darn, he did forget something important! He wasn't supposed to let people see him on that.

"Forgive me, I need a moment," Dipper was about to close the door when Pacifica jumped inside, startling him a bit.

"You live in a trailer? That's so cool!" Pacifica exclaimed.

"I don't really live here, I just spend my time here before shows," Dipper looked at his reflection in the mirror. What was he thinking? Control yourself, you need to keep being the same confident psychic you always were. You are Dipper Delightful, act like it. He smiled at Pacifica. "Forgive me, but, why are you here?"

Pacifica turned to him. "I came for the Supernatural Showcase!"

Dipper turned to the clock. "Well, you're about two hours early," he turned to her. "Besides, it's not in my house, it's in a building next to the tent."

Pacifica blinked. "Oh," she mumbled. "Well, I came early because I knew there would be a long line! But I didn't know it was there, the flyer had your address."

Oh, did it now?

"May I see it?" Dipper asked. Pacifica gave him the flyer. He looked at the address mentioned in the flyer. He chuckled. "You looked at the wrong address," he showed her the actual address of the Supernatural Showcase. "This is the actual address."

Pacifica bounced forward and narrowed her eyes. She blinked twice. "Oh, I'm stupid."

Dipper couldn't help but giggle. He covered his mouth and looked away. "Sorry, I shouldn't have laughed."

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