TT: Part Six

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Pacifica couldn't see anything inside that room besides Gideon tied up in a chair. Robbie held the crowbar tightly, sharing a look with Pacifica. Pacifica decided to go first, so whoever tried to attack could be seen by Robbie before they got him. Robbie gave the lighter to Pacifica and she took a step inside of the room. She illuminated the room and saw nothing but a couple of mannequins on the wall, Gideon looked scared, frightened. Pacifica ran to him while Robbie watched their back.

"How did you get like this?" Pacifica whispered.

"They're alive." Gideon whispered.

Pacifica's brows creased in confusion. "What?"

"The mannequins are alive!"

Pacifica's eyes widened. She looked at the side and noticed they moved a bit. She turned to Robbie. "Robbie! The mannequins!"

Robbie looked confused at her. "What?"

The mannequins jumped on Robbie, causing him to fall. One of them tried to take the crowbar from him while the other one grabbed Pacifica. She struggled in its grasp, kicking uselessly. Robbie managed to throw the mannequin off of him while keeping his crowbar. He hit the crowbar on the mannequin's head, making it hit the wall and fall to the floor. The other mannequin tied up Pacifica on a chair behind (connected to) Gideon's while Robbie was distracted. The other mannequin attacked Robbie and he hit it with the crowbar on the head, making it step back with its hands on where the crowbar hit. It cleansed its fist and punched Robbie, who dodged the attack by an inch. The mannequin was fast enough to use its other hand to grab Robbie's neck and push him against the wall. Robbie kicked the mannequin in vain — that mannequin surely was stronger than the other — and hit it with the crowbar. The mannequin that fell to the floor walked up to them and took the crowbar from him.

Gideon and Pacifica struggled to free themselves. "Stop!" Gideon shouted.

"What do you want from us?! Why are you doing this?!" Pacifica shouted.

The mannequins stopped — still holding Robbie. The one with the crowbar turned its head to them. "Won't. . . Hurt. . . Us. . . Any. . . More. . ." it said. Its voice sounded weird, as if it was a glitch, but also, sounded pained. The tone of its voice matched the one of a hurt child.

"We don't want to hurt you," Gideon said. "We just wanted to explore, we swear!"

"You. . . Came. . . Down. . . Here. . ." it said. "Why. . . Did. . . You. . . Leave. . .?"

"We don't want any trouble, we want to leave!" Robbie said, holding the wrist of the mannequin that had him against the wall.

"No. . ." the mannequin said in anger. "Why. . . Did. . ." it pointed at Gideon. "You. . . Leave. . . Us. . .?"

Gideon looked extremely confused. "I—I don't understand," he said. "I've never been here before, I—"

"Don't. . . Remember. . . Us. . .?" it asked.

"I think you mistook me for someone else," Gideon said. "I don't know what happened here, I never been here before— I never even came down here willingly! Something pulled me!"

The mannequin stayed still for a few seconds. No one in the room could try to read them since they had no face. The mannequin lowered its arm. The other one let Robbie go. "He. . . Spared. . . You. . ."

Gideon was still very confused. "What?"

The mannequin approached them. Pacifica gasped in a low voice as it got closer. Robbie ran to the crowbar but the other one prevented him from getting closer to the first mannequin and the cousins. Gideon and Pacifica closed their eyes, waiting for whatever the mannequin was going to do. The ropes around them loosened.

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