WMP: Part One

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Gideon looked at the journal, closed and supported by his legs. It has been just a few days since he had found it on the attic of that cabin, it felt so familiar, and yet, so new.

He never understood why he was so obsessed with monsters, beasts, ghosts, mythology, and things like that. All he knew was that he loved things like that, he always felt connected to them, especially ghosts. And now, on his legs, was something that could help him learn more about it; not about the fictional paranormal, but about the real paranormal. He held the journal close to his chest and tapped his fingertips on the back of the journal. His anxiety was filling up, it has been days since he and his cousin were stuck in the hotel. Nothing to do, and yet, so much to do. If he just build courage enough to tell Pacifica about the journal, it was Pacifica, after all, his best friend, his closest family member, his twin cousin.

Knock knock knock.

Gideon flinched and turned his head to the door. He put the journal in the inner pocket of his jacket. "C—Come in,"

The door opened. His aunt Priscilla was standing on the other side of the door, adjusting her ponytail. "Hey Gideon,"

"Hi auntie." Gideon waved at her.

"Do you want ice cream?" Priscilla asked.

Gideon's eyes glinted. "Yes, please!" he jumped off the bed. "Summer in here is too hot! How is this town not burning yet?"

Priscilla chuckled. "Well, let's get ice cream before it melts, then!"

Gideon left the room with his aunt. "Where's Pacifica?"

"Downstairs with your mom," Priscilla replied. The two made their way downstairs and reached the lobby. Pacifica was sitting next to the front desk, licking an ice cream. Robbie also had an ice cream, his legs were crossed on the front desk. Victoria, Gideon's mom, just ate her ice cream while standing, holding a second one.

"Gideon, my son," Victoria said. "Here, it's your favourite."

Gideon took the ice cream and started to eat it. It really was his favourite. Pacifica jumped off the chair and ran next to Gideon. "Hey, did you hear?" Gideon kept eating his ice cream without saying anything; he raised an eyebrow in confusion as a reply and shook his head. "Remember the Tent of Telepathy?"

"The one that was closed because the performer was out of town?" Gideon asked. Pacifica nod. "Yeah, I remember, why?"

"He's back!" Pacifica exclaimed.

Gideon blinked. "Wait, really?"

"Yep," Robbie searched for something on his phone. "It's all over the media," he showed them the phone. "Check this out."

Gideon and Pacifica got closer to watch (although Pacifica had already seen it); the video started with a pair of blue curtains, and a deep narrator voice. "The Tent of Telepathy, the biggest attraction of our town, had closed curtains after our beloved star had left. . . But now, to everyone's delight," the curtains in the video opened, showing a dark blue silhouette of a kid without showing his face and outfit. "He's back!"

"Why so dramatic?" Gideon asked.

Pacifica shushed him with a finger on his mouth. Gideon frowned, but focused on the video. "This Saturday night, our beloved child star is going to reopen the tent and open your hearts! Come by to watch the show, and on the opening night, he'll bring a special guest! Come get your ticket before the stock runs out!"

The video ended. Gideon pulled Pacifica's hand away from his mouth. "I still think they're too dramatic."

"This sounds like a great opportunity!" Pacifica said. "Imagine how fun it would be to go onstage with a performer?" she gasped. "Can we actually manage to get his attention?"

"Pacifica, are you interested on the show, or trying to meet a cute celebrity boy?"

Pacifica gasped with a hand in her chest. "No! I don't!" she crossed her arms. "I'm just curious for the show, not on the fact that he probably has perfect hair, has the same age as us, is famous and rich, and loved by everyone."

Gideon facepalmed and sighed. "Well, curiosity killed the cats, I want to go too."

"Sounds like a deal." Priscilla said.

"I'd join you, but my girlfriend and I made plans for tonight," Robbie said with a shrug.

"Have fun, lovebirds." Gideon said, trying to keep his voice firm. Which he, himself, found odd. Was this tone changing thanks to his puberty?

Pacifica smiled mischievously. "Are you jealous?" she whispered to Gideon.

Gideon jumped back. "Wh—What?! Jealous?! Me?! Why would I?!"

He froze once he realised he had shouted it all out. He gulped and licked his ice cream, shutting up for an awkward minute.

Priscilla chuckled in a low voice. "Children,"

"I hope you have fun in the Tent of Telepathy." Victoria said.

"Tent of Telepathy?!"

All heads turned to follow the voice. Bud Pines was standing at the door with an infuriated look on his face. "What do you mean, have fun in the tent?!"

"Chill, Bud, relax," Preston said. "Maybe they're just going to see how it's like outside, and—"

"No, daddy, the show is back!" Pacifica said. "We want to watch it!"

Preston looked surprised. He smiled at his daughter. "Of course—"

"Of course not!" Bud turned to Gideon. "My son will not be going to that stupid place! I forbid you, Gideon."

"Bud, let your son have some fun," Priscilla said.

"Quiet, I'm talking to my son, mind your business and your daughter's."

"I—I don't need to go," Gideon said. "I can just stay at home and watch a movie, I'll be okay."

"No!" Pacifica said stomping forward. "I want Gideon to come with us!"

"I'm his father, and I said no."

Victoria took a deep breath. "Well, I say he can go."

Bud's eyes went wide. "What?"

"You heard me, Peter," Victoria said. "As his mother, I say Gideon can go, he can choose who he's going to obey without any threats."

Priscilla and Pacifica looked at Gideon with worried looks. Gideon started to sweat; he didn't know what to do. If he went, he'd get in trouble with his father, if he stayed, Pacifica would be upset at him. He was already guilty for hiding the journal from Pacifica, so he decided to go. He could deal with his father, he was already used to it.

Bud grunted and looked at Gideon, waiting for him to respond. Gideon took a silent breath and looked at his father in the eyes. "I'll go."

Pacifica grinned and jumped on Gideon for a hug. "Yes! We're going to the Tent of Telepathy!"

Gideon hugged her back. He caught a glimpse of his father's angry eyes and looked away, trying to ignore the anxiety.

"Um," Robbie said, awkwardly. "So, do you misters want ice cream too?"

Preston turned to him. "What flavours are there?"

"Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry. . ."

Gideon's head went to the clouds. He looked at the side of his jacket, where he kept the journal. He started thinking about how he would tell Pacifica about the journal. After a minute of doubting and questioning, he made his mind. 

He'd tell her once the show was over.

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