TT: Part Five

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Now arriving to the pathetic town of Gravity Falls.

That was not what was written on the sign, but that's how Dipper read it. Gravity Falls was a small and pathetic town to his view.

But he missed it.

Not because of the people — they were stupid, so why care? — but because of the person he cared the most about: his twin sister; and the unique supernatural it contained. Nowhere else in the world you would find an elf, or a mermaid, and darn, he even missed the annoying manotaurs! He'd never let anyone know, though, only Mabel would. The rest can keep dreaming he missed them. He didn't even like his parents, so they could back off as soon as possible.

"We're back here again," Mabel said turning her head to Dipper. "Are you happy now?"

Dipper glanced sideways at her. He then looked down on a blue stone attached to his tie. He held it tightly, and closed his eyes. It's been malfunctioning out of town — he could still read minds, but he couldn't go too deep inside. But now that he's back, he expected it to be back on its fullest. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes, with them widening at the glowing stone in his chest. Peals of laughter escaped his throat. He looked at Mabel's purse and focused on it. A blue glow appeared around it and the purse started to float. His smile grew, his ability was back to normal.

Hopefully everything else would be too.

"Okay, put it down now," Mabel demanded. "Glad to see our powers are working properly in here."

The glow disappeared and the purse fell on Mabel's lap. Dipper kept his eyes on Mabel. "Yes, May-May," he said. Mabel raised a brow. "I'm happy now."


Sadly, the twins had to see their parents and stay with them for a while. If it depended on Dipper, he'd go straight to his uncles' — and he knew Mabel would want to come along. But their Great Uncle Stan told them to wait in there until the end of the week — where their show would be reopened, since they already expected the twins' return.

The limousine pulled up in a mansion. A couple awaited at the entrance with four bodyguards around them. The driver got out of the limousine and walked to the back doors. She opened the door and bowed, dramatically sweeping her arm to welcome the twins outside. "The pink trio, Mabel Gleeful and her friends," she said. Mabel hopped down from the limousine, with Candy following behind and Grenda following behind Candy. The driver waited for the three to be out to welcome Dipper as well. "The town's beloved psychic, Mason Marvellous."

Dipper hopped down of the car with a frown on his face. "It's Dipper." he said. "Dipper Delightful!" he basically shouted stomping forward. He pushed his hair up to show the Big Dipper birthmark on his forehead. "See? Like my birthmark! Dipper!" he pulled his hand away from his forehead with his hair falling back and grunted. He looked over the car, at the couple in the mansion's entrance. "Seriously," he circled the car to be in front of them. Mabel followed him with Candy and Grenda following her. "Couldn't you hire someone a little bit more professional? Or that at least knew my change?"

The woman showed a bit of sadness. "But sweetie," she said. "We choose this name to match—."

"I don't care," Dipper said with a dismissive hand. "It's my name, not yours, and I choose Dipper." he added. "I just went along with it because I was. . . I don't know, ten, or something?"

The woman sighed. "Okay, sorry sweetie."

Dipper frowned at the calling. Sweetie? That made him look childish. The man turned to the driver. "You seriously didn't pay attention? I told you he changed his name!" he scolded in anger.

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