WMP: Part Three

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"Tonight was fun, wasn't it?" Pacifica asked.

Gideon hummed in agreement, but he didn't really find it fun, especially due to the fact that Dipper had been staring at him the whole show like he was the supernatural creature in the show. What was with that weird stare? Did he notice they were new in town, or something? No, there were others he (probably) didn't know in the show, and he still stared only at him and Pacifica. That was completely weird.

"I'll be honest, I didn't expect him to showcase a fake mermaid," Preston said.

"I wonder how old that boy is? He certainly is a professional, but looked very young." Priscilla said.

"He looked a bit older than me and Pacifica," Gideon said. "He even had a little beard."

"Mermando is probably 15," Priscilla said.

Preston scoffed. "Nah, he has to be either thirteen or fourteen," he said. "Bud and I had a bigger beard than that at our fifteens."

Gideon snorted. "Mermando," he giggled. "That's definitely a fake name."

"Why?" Priscilla asked.

"It's a pun, aunt Pri," Gideon said. "For merman."

"I bet his real name is Armando, or something." Preston said.

Pacifica jumped gasped on the curbstone, almost falling off it. "They have a whole place just to show off the mystical!"

Gideon raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yes!" Pacifica showed him a flyer that she took after she left the show, which her parents and cousin had politely refused. "Look!" she pointed at a certain paragraph.

Gideon stopped and got closer, narrowing his eyes to read better. "If you liked to see fairies and mermaids, then you'll love to see the Supernatural Showcase, come by tomorrow at three P.M. to get an exclusive tour with the twins and get to know the hidden and wonderful supernatural of Gravity Falls." he turned to look at his uncle and aunt. He and Preston snorted, then laughed together.

"They're really trying to convince everyone that this is true!" Preston said.

Priscilla elbowed her husband. "Honey,"

Pacifica crossed her arms. "I don't care if it's real or not, actually, we don't really know if it's real or not!" she said. "We should check it out!"

"Well, I'm not interested in more fake shows, sorry Paz." Gideon said. Pacifica pouted in response. "Also, my dad's already mad at me. . . I don't want to make him angrier."

"If you want to go, then okay, we'll take you there." Preston said. "I'll also have a little chat with my brother today, don't worry Gideon."

Gideon didn't know if he should feel relieved or even more concerned. Knowing his father, maybe the second option was more fit. He tried to keep a smile to his face. "O—Okay,"

Once the hotel was in view, Pacifica checked both sides of the streets and jumped off the curbstone. She ran to the entrance, Gideon ran after her. Preston and Priscilla followed them in a slower pace. Once the four were together they entered the hotel. Robbie was almost asleep on the entrance desk, he blinked his eyes opened and turned to the family.

"Oh, hey there," he waved at them. "How was the show?"

"It was amazing!" Pacifica exclaimed.

"It was," Gideon shrugged. "Normal, I guess."

"They upgraded the performance," Preston said. "Now it's not just mind-reading and future vision, they also show off fake fantasy creatures."

Robbie raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"

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