TT: Part Three

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Pacifica opened the door of her new hotel room. She gasped. "Woah!" she exclaimed. "This is huuuuuuuge!" she ran inside while screaming. Gideon walked in with a couple baggages on his arms and Robbie followed him.

"Thanks for helping us, Robbie." Priscilla said, behind Robbie.

Robbie turned his head. "No worries, Ms." he said. Although Robbie would rather be at the hotel's cafeteria drinking some cappuccino or reading a magazine on the kombi. He went to the bedroom of the hotel room and put the baggages down. Gideon put the baggages he had next to the ones Robbie put down. He looked at the side and looked for Pacifica.


Pacifica ran behind him and jumped on his back. Gideon almost fell forward but managed to keep his balance. Robbie laughed a bit. "You surely are excited, aren't you?"

"I am!" Pacifica exclaimed. "This is our first summer away from home! And soon, we're turning thirteen soon! Could this be any more fun?"

"Pacifica, stop moving behind me, I'm gonna fall!" Gideon said, shaking on his feet.

Pacifica leaned forward. "C'mon, Gid, I'm not that—" Gideon tripped. "HeeeEEEAVY!" the two hit the floor with a thud. Gideon fell with his face on the floor while Pacifica fell still on top of him. She gasped and sat down, getting off him. "Are you okay, Gid?!"

Gideon stood on all fours. "Yeah," he put a hand on his face. "I'm fine."

"Kids! You need to be more careful!" Priscilla said.

"I heard a noise, what happened?!" Victoria asked from outside.

"I tripped and fell mom, but I'm alright." Gideon said.

Victoria gasped and ran inside, she hugged Gideon and checked for any wounds on him. "Mom, I'm okay!" Gideon reassured. "I just fell, it's alright."

"No, it's not!" Victoria said. "You could've broken your nose, or get yourself cut, or have broken another bone! Are you sure nothing hurts?"

Gideon nod his head — that was a lie, he felt a small sting due to the fall, but if he said that his mom would panic even more, and he knew it. Priscilla held Victoria's shoulders and helped her up. "It's alright, Vic, he's fine," she said. "Let's leave them alone."

"Gideon, be careful please! If you get hurt, please call me immediately!" Victoria said as Priscilla pulled her out of the room.

"Alright mom!" Gideon said, then sighed. "Protective moms."

"Man, I'm kinda jealous of you," Robbie said. "But I also feel bad."

Gideon raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yeah," Robbie said. "Protective moms have their perks," he walked closer to Gideon. "But sometimes, they're too much, you know?" he held out his hand to help Gideon stand.

Pacifica jumped up before Robbie could even attempt to help her. Gideon stared at his hand for a few seconds, then grabbed it and stood up with Robbie's help. "Thanks," he said. "And you're right, protective moms can be too much," he shrugged. "But I love her either way, she's just trying to be a good mom."

Robbie chuckled. "I guess so."

Gideon put a hand behind his head and chuckled. "Yeah," he murmured.

A minute of silence stood in the room, until Pacifica broke it: "Hey, can I take the bed next to the window?"

Gideon looked at her. "Sure."

"Yay!" She cheered and jumped on the bed next to the window, face-butting the sheets. She giggled and turned around, laying with her back on the bed and looking at the rooftop.

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