WMP: Part Seven

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Pacifica excitedly told Dipper stories of her own. The two had set a picnic alone in the forest, with a lot of food and even a little butler of their own (which was weird for Pacifica, since it was just a picnic, but she didn't bother). His name was Soos, and she adored him. Say his name backwards and it's the same thing! That's amazing!

"But what about you, Dipper?" she asked. "You're a star that travelled to so many places, I'm sure you dated before."

Dipper's smile shortened. "I had a. . . few 'dates', but they're not all interesting." he said. "None of them really worked out because of me moving from town to town so much," he leaned closer to Pacifica. "But I don't think I'm leaving anymore." he smiled at her.

Pacifica carefully leaned away from him with a nervous smile. "Hehe. . . Well, tell me about them! Since I told you about my 'exes'."

Dipper looked at the top side, pensively. "Well, there was this girl named Camille I met in New Orleans," he said. "She had light brown hair and a braid, wearing a pink dress." he chuckled. "It was quite ridiculous, I'll admit. But she was nice."

"Were all your exes ridiculous?" Pacifica asked.

"No, of course not," Dipper said. "I remember Portia as well, she loved to look adorable. She had fashion sense. Especially one that I don't usually see closer, since she's an Afro girl."

"Oh, cool!" Pacifica smiled after saying. After a few seconds of silence, she caught Dipper stared, lost in his thoughts - or maybe, daydreams. "What?"

"Have I ever told you that your smile is just heart-warming?" Dipper asked.

"Um, no," Pacifica replied. "But thanks for the compliment."

"I'll always compliment you," Dipper held her hand. "My sweet Sunflower," he kissed the back of her hand.

Nervousness filled Pacifica. He really was in love, wasn't he?

He pulled away, then looked at Pacifica for a moment. "Paz, tonight has been a wonderful night with you," he said. "And I really wish we could repeat it again this weekend."

Pacifica's eyes went wide. "Wha-" she frowned. "Dipper, you said only one date, and this was it! I'm sorry, but I won't go to another one."

Her chest tightened at seeing Dipper's pained and sad expression. "Oh, sorry," he turned away. "I. . . Should've known," he said, then whispered, "Why am I so clueless?"

The guilt consumed Pacifica entirely. She bit her lip and looked down, telling herself that it's okay to reject him. His sadness would only last a little while, then he'd find someone else! But, also, what would cost to go out again? He's not mean, he listens to you. He even understands fashion like you! What could go wrong? Besides, it's not on the first date that something blooms between two lovers. Love takes time. But what if this is a waste of time?

Beep beep.

The two turned their heads to the sound.

"Oi, Dip, I'm here to-"

A red haired girl stayed inside of a car (correction, a limousine) with wide eyes. There was someone else on the passenger seat, but from Pacifica's view, she couldn't see who it was - not like she would recognise this person. But the red haired girl? She knew well. That was Wendy Valentino, the girl that cornered her before when she first talked to Dipper outside the show. The girl gave Pacifica a glare, mouth opening to speak.

"Is the date over now?"

Dipper stood up. "Yes, it is," he cleaned the dust off his clothing. "Come along, Pacifica, I'll take you back to the hotel."

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