WMP: Part Six

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Pacifica knelt on the top of a warehouse, looking the view before her with amazed eyes and her mouth agape. Next to her was Dipper Delightful, the friend she made and has been hanging out with since she paid him that visit about the Supernatural Showcase. Both got very close, to the point they've become almost best friends.

Dipper didn't befriend her cousin, Gideon, yet, though, that was still something he wanted to do later. But for now, he'd just appreciate the view next to Pacifica, the girl that made his heart beat faster than ever in his life.

"This is beautiful!" Pacifica said.

"Yeah," Dipper replied, discretely looking at her instead. "It's beautiful." he said. Pacifica giggled, not even noticing his gaze.

After a minute, he took a deep breath and looked at his hidden hand. "Hey, Paz?"

Pacifica turned to him, looking at him with her opera glasses. "Yeah?"

Dipper blinked and giggled, pointing his opera glasses back at her. Both laughed together at the silliness. Before Pacifica could turn around, Dipper held her hand and gave her a paper. She looked at the paper, confused.

"What's this?"

"Read and you'll see," Dipper said.

Pacifica raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. She pulled her opera glasses away and read what was written in the paper.

'Dear Pacifica Pines,

Your eyes remind me of the sky,

Your hair is as beautiful as the sunlight,

When I see you I get butterflies

Can I take you on a date tonight?'

Her eyes went wide in surprise. She looked up at Dipper, who smiled shyly. "A date?" he nod. "Like. . . A playdate?" he shook his head. "A shopping date?" he shook his head again. "A romantic date?" he nod. She looked at the side, thinking about it. "Well. . . I. . ."

It's hard to say no. They were very close, and she has been looking for a date for a while now. Besides, he made such a cute poem for her! Wait, what if he stole it from somewhere? She hated doing this, but she had to guilt him into confessing.

"It's an original poem! Definitely not like I've seen it anywhere else," Pacifica said, a hint of sarcasm noticeable in her voice.

Dipper's eyes went wide. "Someone already wrote something like this?" he bit his lip and looked away, nervous. "Darn, I knew I should've put more thought into it," he muttered, just loud enough for Pacifica to hear. "I'm—" he looked at her. "I'm so sorry, this is embarrassing. . ."

She giggled. "I never saw a poem like that! I was just testing you!" she said. "You're so cute when you're nervous."

Dipper blushed and put a smile on his face (which looked confident, but slightly shy). "I know," he said. "That's what they all tell me."

"And they're right!" Pacifica said. She looked at the metal beneath her, pensively. She hummed in a thought. Maybe this could work out, besides, if things didn't go as planned, she could stop their date right there and then. No harm done. Perfect. She looked at Dipper. "Okay! I'll go on a date with you. But just one date! To see how it goes."

Dipper's eyes glinted, he smiled from ear to ear with excitement. "Pacifica Pines, you made me the happiest boy in the world!" he hugged Pacifica. Pacifica hugged him back with a short laugh. "I promise, I'll treat you like a queen, this will be an amazing date for the both of us, I guarantee you."

That kinda made Pacifica excited for the date. Well, who can blame her? She's been looking up to the day she met a cute boy who'd treat her like she deserved since she was a child, and turning into a teenager soon just made this dream of hers grow — and her patience, on the contrary, lower. She and Dipper pulled away from the hug.

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