TT: Part Four

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Gideon, Pacifica and Robbie rushed out of the hotel. Before they actually headed to the forest, Robbie turned to them and asked: "Are you sure you want to go to the cabin?"

Gideon nod in response. Pacifica bounced forward. "Yeah!" she exclaimed.

"Alright, let's go then." Robbie said.

"Is there anything dangerous in this forest?" Gideon asked.

"Not that I remember." Robbie said. "Maybe a werewolf or a zombie."

Gideon's eyes went wide. "What?"

Robbie chuckled. "I'm just messing," he said. "Let's go."

Pacifica laughed. Gideon nervously laughed too. "Yeah, let's go."

The three went to the forest and started their hike towards the cabin. "Is the cabin big?" Pacifica asked. "Does anyone live there? Are there fairies?!"

"The cabin's small, but I don't know about any fairies." Robbie said. "Like I said, there's nothing that I'm aware of."

"It would be so cool to see a fairy, or a mermaid, or a vampire, or an elf! Maybe not a gnome or a dwarf, neither a gremlin."

"Paz, you are a gremlin." Gideon said.

Pacifica gasped. "How dare thou?!" she crossed her arms and pouted.

Gideon smiled mischievously. "Yeah, you're a gremlin," he said. "A blonde and cute one."

Pacifica blinked, then smiled. "Owe, thanks Gid!" she said. "But I already know I'm cute." she winked.

Gideon rolled his eyes. "Don't get cocky, Paz."

The sound of a bush startled Gideon and Pacifica. Both took a step back and looked at it wide-eyed. "Wh—What was that?!"

"Calm down, kids," Robbie said. "It's probably just a bunny."

Gideon gulped. "I hope so." he thought. They turned back to their front and kept on their way to the cabin, an eerie feeling kept crawling on Gideon's back like a spider in a web. There was something off in there, he just didn't know what it was.

A few minutes passed, their hike had gotten them in the middle of the forest. There was one problem though: the cabin was still out of sight. Were they lost? Gideon hated not knowing where he was. He should've brought a map, or a compass! Does Robbie know where they're going or was the cabin really far? He didn't know. His patience was starting to wane while his paranoia came to grow. What if there was a wild animal there? Maybe they shouldn't have gone there, maybe they should have stayed in the hotel and kept quiet, or at least, left a message for their parents so they'd know where they went.

"I'm sure we're close." Robbie said.

"Yay!" Pacifica cheered.

Relief slightly lightened Gideon's chest, but not enough to help that much. A wooden cabin that matched Gideon's earlier description was soon in sight. Robbie smiled. "Here we are, the haunted cabin."

The three stopped to look at the cabin. Pacifica couldn't stay still, she bounced and jumped in excitement. "I'm so excited to see inside! Imagine if there are actually rotten fruits in there?" she turned to Gideon. "Do you think there are any spiders or bugs? Those are gross, but also, cool!" Gideon didn't respond. Pacifica tilted her head. "Gid?"

Gideon's eyes were fixed on the window at the right side — to his view — of the door. "A broken window." he murmured.

"Someone must've tried to break in, the door is known to be locked." Robbie walked closer to the cabin. He held on the doorknob and turned it, as he expected, it didn't open. "Yep, still broken." he walked to the window and broke the rest of the glass window, then jumped inside. "Come on in!"

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