WMP: Part Five

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Gideon found a page about mermaids on the journal — no, he was not trying to look for mermaids to prove that the Tent of Telepathy had a fake one; he just happened to stumble across this page. And would you look at that? The merman on the show was as fake as he thought! The image and descritpion the author put on the journal was totally terrifying: scales everywhere, wrinkled skin, predator sharp teeth, ears leaning down, and they emit a smell resembled of sardine and salt. Their hair was like the ones showing in the movies, but that's only when they're underwater, when they come to surface it's a different story.

"Gideon! I'm back!" Pacifica said slamming the door opened.

He turned to his cousin. "Oh, hi Paz,"

"Hi!" Pacifica shut the door behind him and ran next to Gideon. "Today was fun! It's very sad you didn't come, the things in the showcase looked so real! Some even were moving! They don't look like actors at all," she said. "And I'm kinda thinking that the Telepathy Twins are not as fake as we thought. Maybe they're fake psychics, but the monsters they've shown couldn't be."

"Sorry to break it to you, but I have just the proof that the show was truly fake," Gideon showed her the page he was reading.

She frowned at the drawing of the mermaid. "They smell like sardine and salt? Ew!" she turned her head and shut her eyes with her tongue sticking out.

Gideon chuckled. "Well, proof's right here," he said. "If the merman was a fake, what stops the rest from being?"

Pacifica looked disappointed. "Well, the merman was," she said. "But you had to see it, Gid! There was ectoplasm there!"

"Sadly, it's easy to fake ectoplasm," Gideon said. "But do you know where could be real stuff like that?"

"Where?" Pacifica bounced forward. "Where?!"

"The forest!" Gideon replied. "We know this town has those things, but how much do we really know? We should definitely check it out ourselves!"

Pacifica grinned. "Sounds fun!" she said. "When do we go?"

"Let's go now—"

Someone knocked on the door.

"Gideon, go be useful and give me a hand." Bud said from behind the door.

Gideon sighed. "Let's go later," he said. "Sorry, Paz, I can't disobey my father."

"I understand," Pacifica said. "When he gives you a break, we're going out, right?"

"Right," Gideon said. "Well, let me get going before he gets mad."

"Okay!" Pacifica said. Gideon then left to check what his father needed his help with.


It's been a few days since Pacifica and Dipper started hanging out together. She had just came back from another time she spend with him, and that day, Gideon finally got a break! Now they could go exploring as both of them wanted! If Bud came in giving orders again, Pacifica would call her dad to solve it for her. Oh she would.

She caught sight of Gideon at the entrance of the hotel. He seemed to be waiting for something; most likely to be her. She ran towards him and jumped in front of him. "Hi, Gideon!"

"Hi Pa— woah," he eyed her up and down. "Where were you? Did you steal a clothing store, or something?"

Pacifica was wearing a green pouf dress with puff short sleeves showing her shoulders and a belt with a bow on the back, white shoes on her feet. Her fringe was split in half, showing her forehead, and hair tied on two braided buns. She wore blue eyeshadow with an eyeliner over it, her eyelashes were longer than before. Her nails were blue and purple, and had llama and pine tree decorations in them. Pacifica giggled. "Oh, this? It's just a little makeover I had with Dipper!" she said. "Most of this were his sister's, but he said she wouldn't mind giving them to me, since she had so many just like those!"

Gideon nod and hummed, pensively. "So you're still hanging out with that fake-psychic Dipper kid?"

"Yes, but he's cool!" Pacifica said. "And at least I had someone to hang out with since uncle kept you busy with his work," she added and crossed her arms.

He looked down. "Sorry,"

"Don't apologise, I'm not mad at you!" Pacifica said. "I'm mad at Uncle Bud."

"There's no need for this," Gideon said. "C'mon, you can tell me all about it while we explore, how about that?"

Pacifica smiled. "Sure!" she replied. "Where are we going? What are we looking for?"

"I—I'm not really sure," Gideon said. "There are so many things to look for around here, I mean— where should we start?"

Pacifica giggled. "Okay, then, let's just walk until we find something to explore!"

Gideon shrugged. "Okay, why not?"

They left the hotel and headed to the forest. Midway, they stopped by a circle of rocks and sat down. Pacifica started telling Gideon about Dipper. "He's a very cool friend! And he's also very cute!" she swung sideways. "Hey, did you know he has things in common with you?"


"Yes! Like, he has a birthmark!" Pacifica said. "He's not afraid of showing it, but only does it when asked!"

"How is it like?"

"It's the Big Dipper!" Pacifica replied as she stopped swinging and raised her arms when said big. "That's why he has that name, it's because of his birthmark! Isn't that cool?" she giggled. "Imagine if you were called by your birthmark? It would be very cool too!"

The Big Dipper seemed like a nice birthmark to have, compared to his that got him bullied. "That does seem nice," he said. "Still strange, though."

Pacifica tilted her head. "Strange? Why strange?"

"Because he's the Little Dipper, but his birthmark is the Big Dipper," Gideon looked at the grass beneath him, then laughed a bit. "I guess it's because he's little."

"Gideon! That's bullying," Pacifica said.

"It's not bullying, I'm just saying the truth, he's short," Gideon said. "Even I am taller than him,"

"Well, you're older than him," Pacifica said. "I actually think it's adorable that he's the Little Dipper, it would be weird to call him Big Dipper," she said. "Great news everyone, Big Dipper is back to town!" she changed her voice to sound like a news reporter. "We would be disappointed."

"You're just agreeing that he's short," Gideon said.

Pacifica pouted. "You're short too,"

"I know, but that's humiliating, since he's shorter than me,"

"How do you know that?"

"Why are you so defensive?" Gideon asked. "Do you have a crush on him, or something?"

Pacifica's eyes went wide. She waved a dismissive hand. "Pfft, nah!" she exclaimed. "He's just a big best friend! I'm not in love with Dipper!"

"Hm, sure," Gideon rolled his eyes. "It would make sense, considering how close you've gotten and how easily you fall in love with random boys,"

"I don't!" Pacifica said. "Maybe a little bit, but it's not always!"

Gideon laughed. "Yeah yeah, at least you found someone that can do girly stuff with you," he said. "You could show him your movies, he looks like the type to like them."

"You're right, he does!" Pacifica said. She then stopped to proceed. "Wait, what way did you mean that?"

"You know what I meant." Gideon said. Pacifica pouted and Gideon laughed. She crossed her arms and whirled around, turning her back to Gideon. Gideon just continued laughing, apologising to Pacifica, when he was definitely not sorry at all.

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