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It's rather ironic when an educational institution is a location where my illegal business profits the most. I can't personally claim this institution has grown much close to my heart. The opposite is rather true - I'm not so fond of this place. However, most of the days I drag myself here just to do some business. It's important to find any benefits for yourself in anything you do. Unless you can benefit from your activities, simply find new ones.

I park the bike at the usual place and for a few seconds stare at the oddly empty spot next to me. He had to leave right now, didn't he? The bell rings, echoing not only through the whole building, but surely through the nearest neighbourhoods too. It's a lovely reminder that I'm late, once again. I get off the bike and run to school, yanking the door open and almost sprinting to school. If I get in class after the teacher, in a rather inappropriately too long time, my parents will receive a letter from the school. Logically that is something I would rather avoid.

On a lovely morning like this, luck happens to be on my side. I'd say it's Monday and no one is particularly interested in sitting here at this early hour, especially when your first class is a class of moody seniors, but that would be a lie. Mrs. Black, probably the strangest maths teacher I've ever met, walks in just as I take a seat in the back.

I shouldn't be here now; I tell myself and open the book. The pages are covered in black dots, forming words and sentences I'm not bothering reading at this early hour. She takes attendance by scanning the room with her eyes. It's impressive how she's memorised the name of every student she teaches.

As instructed I calculate the given exercises, doing so before the bell rings. I'm not planning on spending another afternoon in detention. It's necessary to state that I'm not a bad student. In fact my grades are excellent compared to the amount of skipped classes. My attendance isn't worth bragging about, but my results are. And every once in a while I happen to get myself in trouble, earning myself a long afternoon in a little heated room. Most of the time I'm careful to stay out of trouble, avoiding any threats that could lead to anyone suspecting me. But sometimes it's inevitable to step in.

Mrs. Black leaves the room as the first one. She's strangely distant with every class, yet raises the impression she's in fact close with you. I haven't understood where the line is or by what algorithm she works. She reveals just enough information about herself, yet it's never enough to provide you proper information to create a proper image about her. She's a lovely lady, though.

I push my way through the students, heading directly to one of the school's most beloved jocks. Talented at football and rich parents - a perfect combination for a good future, even if the brain capacity and ability is lacking a little bit. He's waiting for me in one of the never used hallways. It's a very fast and straightforward business, no words exchanged. We've been doing this for embarrassingly too long, there's no need for any discussion. I hand him the drugs; he gives me my money and we part our ways.

There are only two very simple reasons why I finish this day. One, I have customers who desire their artificial and deadly source of happiness, and me caring about other people's happiness, I have to provide them with it. That of course, includes the most essential part - the exchange, from which I gain a little more money each time. Two, there really isn't much to say other than general and genuine curiosity about what tomorrow holds.

It's perhaps not the best job I could get myself at my age, yet on the other hand, I consider this age to be perfectly fit for it. It's the easiest way to earn a lot of money without actually having to do much. Sometimes the thought of dropping this crosses my mind, yet until a perfect reason shows up, I'll continue living my life like this. Maybe one day something life changing will happen.

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