Something else

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Mae jumps onto her feet, scaring me. She runs over to Alex, throwing herself around his neck. I stare surprised at them as his hands wrap around her waist.

"Thank you," she whispers loudly. Alex just nods, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Once again I wonder what their relationship is. I've been meaning to ask one of them or to figure it out myself, though that hasn't been going well. A part of me is jealous, the other is fairly sure his lips have never been on hers.

She disconnects herself, jumping around happily while drinking her coffee. It might just be the brightest I've ever seen her smile.

Neither Ace nor River show as much excitement as Mae, though they're both smiling. I don't quite understand why Alex's answer made them all so happy, but I'm picking it up it must mean a lot to them. I sit in silence, not daring to break the quiet that's spread in the room. Not a heavy silence, not a heavy atmosphere. Simply a silence that isn't meant to be disturbed.

It doesn't take long before my eyes land on Alex. It's a natural reaction of my body and though I try to fight it, it's stronger than me. Every time I look at him I feel an urge to stand closer to him. And I fight the memories of his lips on mine, his hands slowly roaming my body and the warm feeling spreading in my chest. With every look I fight the urge to kiss him again.

His head turns my direction, gaze meeting mine. He's still smiling, and I notice sparks in his eyes. Sparks that don't resemble his usual sparks but remind me of tears. I find no signs of playfulness or cunningness or even irony and sarcasm. The sparks glisten like tears.

Without a word he suddenly stands up and leaves the room. I'm the only one who seems to care, the others are lost in their own little worlds. For the while I've observed them I've found it strange how they can show so much care for each other, yet not be disturbed when they do normally uncommon things.

Deciding to be more like the others and not overthink everything Alex does or says, I quickly pay little attention to his absence. Somewhere in the back of my mind I'm aware he's gone, but on the surface I talk with Mae and Ace as if I never acknowledged him leaving.

Seconds turn to minutes that pass by quickly, when I realise the hands on the clock have moved a little too much and Alex still hasn't returned. I excuse myself, and set off to find Alex. I walk down the hallway, carefully peaking into every room. I spot a milky glass door at the end of the hallway, and with a heart beating out of my chest, I reach for the door knob.

Alex doesn't turn his head as I open and close the door. With small steps I walk over to him, keeping a safe distance between us, yet standing close. I flash him one look, but his eyes are glued to the city.

"Are you okay?" I ask him eventually.

He finally turns to me. "Yeah." His voice is steady and calm, raspy as always. "Are they still fighting?"

I chuckle, shaking my head. "River calmed them down."

"He's good at that."

He turns around again, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. I keep on staring at him, expecting him to abruptly look at me with that devilish smirk of his. "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" His eyes don't lock with mine.

"What made the others so happy before?" I look away. "Why... What did River's words mean."

A long silence follows. The sounds of the city keep us company, occasional honking of cars and sirens. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, so hard and fast and loud I worry Alex can hear it. I don't dare to turn my head to the left and look at him, I keep my eyes focused on the scenery in front of me.

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