A too big mouth

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River warned me, yet I didn't listen.

In fact, everyone had warned me, and I refused to listen. Their warnings meant nothing to me. I knew very well I was in for a dangerous ride. I made a decision that sent me straight to death.

It strikes me that I might've done it purposely to convince myself that I'm still capable of feeling something. All my decisions lead to this particular moment serving as a wakeup call or confirmation of the presence of my emotions. Though they surely don't feel awake anymore, my pain receptors are working just well enough.

I brought it upon myself, in Mae's words I manifested it. Personally I'd like to avoid using that term, as I'm unaware of how I possibly could have manifested myself in this particular situation.

The metal rings on the tattooed fingers glisten under the dim streetlight, the fingers quickly curling into a dangerous fist. Even without the spiky and metal accessories the clenched fist would represent a very unpleasant experience full of pain. I watch its trajectory – within a second it has collided with my face. My jawline erupts in pulsating pain, turning to an unpleasant, burning and itching feeling spreading across my whole face. Another fist flies the direction of my left eye, leaving a blue and purple mark behind. I can feel the spiky end of the ring cut through my eyebrow. It seems I was gifted a hole for a piercing for free.

For a second my vision gets blurry and dark, and I almost see stars. Tiny gold-like dots appear in front of my eyes, cluttering together and forming star shaped objects. They dance in circles and jump up and down like witches performing a ritual.

The pain in my face intensifies, and is soon accompanied with a pain spreading in my chest. The first fist belonging to my first attacker is followed by another fist and then another. I can't make out whether it's the same guy punching me or his friends joining too. One fist after the other, then another and another, and..... I don't count how many fists collide with the surface of my handsome face, ruining the features girls fall for. Ace will be heartbroken once he learns I won't be able to support his idea of hitting the club tomorrow night.

Seconds pass by, turning into minutes while I've given up on its protection. I've stopped fighting against my attackers a while ago and just let my arms hang by my side.

Warm liquid starts to flow from my nose, making its way into my mouth. I'm sure one of their rings has broken my nose. The warm blood tastes like iron, bitter and disgusting. I spit it out of the ground, choking on its remaining in my throat.

From the second I left AJ's office; I knew his brother would send someone at me. Not even AJ himself could protect me now. A man as desperate for power as AJ's brother cannot survive knowing a teenager and a woman fucked him over. His ego is too bruised to let it go, and in his eyes beating the soul out of me is the only solution. I'm not particularly worried about myself now, I'm more worried about Summer. It's sad I won't witness AJ's anger released on his brother when he learns what he's done. And I'll make sure he'll learn.

The firsts turn into kicks. Their kicks are strong, sharp, and precise, directed at their target and not missing. They'll surely leave deep bruises for weeks.

My knees give up, bend against my will and I slide down the dirty mural.

The thought that my hoodie might've ripped crosses my mind and I suddenly panic. Ignoring the pain I want to ask them for a pause, just to check the fabric of my hoodie on my back.

I know better than to provoke them again and make it even worse for myself. These boys might look young, but they're strong like professional bodybuilders. Their muscles are delicately toned, and I'm not going to lie, it might be the only attribute they can offer the ladies. Their faces aren't exactly handsome, rather repelling with their small, narrow, dark and angry eyes. The tattoos and muscles covering their whole bodies work as accessories, giving them just a bit of additional attractiveness.

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