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He intertwines his fingers with mine.

And my heart freezes.

For a moment I don't know what to do, or how to react. What to think, or feel. It takes everything in me to not turn straight to him or look down at our intertwined hands.

I pretend nothing has happened and go on talking with Ciara and Heather, sitting over for me. She's pressed between Francis and Heather, just like I'm pressed between Alex and Ace. Ace practically showed me into the booth next to Alex. The others slowly took their places afterwards, bickering about their preferred place to sit a few times and rearranging themselves.

Smiling and answering Ciara, I keep an eye on Alex too. He doesn't even flash me one look as he leans against the wall, looking all relaxed and talking about something with the boys. Ray's pressed up against the wall, Francis sitting next to him and ignoring Ray's constant complaints about how uncomfortably he's seated.

When no one's paying attention to me, pretending to be overly thirsty, I steal a quick glance at our intertwined fingers. Both my hands have been under the table, resting in my lap since I've sat down. I have no idea when Alex's hand crept so close to mine.

It's a gentle act, a subtle movement. Up until a minute ago I wasn't thankful for feeling like a mashed potato, but now I'm starting to change my mind. Neither mine nor Alex's arm is stretched out, they're both relaxed. And no one seems to have noticed anything.

I tell myself it doesn't mean anything. It's just another move in his game; I try to convince myself. It's hard to believe my own words when I don't want them to be a lie to deeply.

There's something different about this touch. It feels intimate. Gentle, in a sense even loving. And that messes with my head even more. He doesn't try to tease me; he doesn't move his hand closer. He just holds it, fingers intertwined.

Yet he doesn't even look at me.

I'm still replaying moments of the show in my head. Alex standing kneeling on the stage, so close to me, holding my stare and singing those words to me. He left so many questions in my chest. Seeing him jumping up and down next to his best friends, the happiness shining on his face. I wish I was one of the reasons for that smile too.

"Are you ready to order?" Sophie's voice cuts the air, breaking off all the conversations. Our four new rising rockstars claimed they were starving after the show and needed something to eat prior to the planned rooftop drinking. So they lead the way to a small Asian restaurant diner opened until midnight.

An older man comes and takes our order, writing down only a few words. I'm amazed by this memory. He delivers our drinks soon after, not getting a single one wrong.

As I sip on my second drink, Alex's hand still remains holding mine. As seconds pass the touch grows more intimate and intimate. And that's when he finally looks at me.

No smirk on his face, though a foxy smile lifts the corner of his lips. It's a quick look, then his eyes have travelled to Parker, answering his question.

What is he doing to me? What is this supposed to mean?

I enjoy the food in silence, lost in my own thoughts. As both our dinners, or late night snacks, come, he lets go of my hand. Slowly, as if not wishing to. I can't help but look at him, not caring about the others. It's a longer stare I earn this time.

This boy has me under a spell, a curse. And I don't know how to break free.


His fingers find their way back to mine on the street.

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