the basement

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Let's get this party started.

I take the drink Ace's handing me. Hard to say what he chose, but whatever it is, it'll be good. This boy has a talent for choosing the best drinks.

It's not the usual house we're at today. Someone else, a rather complete stranger, was kind enough to sacrifice his own house. Stupidity. Inviting so many people over just to get your house totally wrecked for momentary fame.

I'm not sure I like this house, and it's not just the new feeling. The age range here is between sixteen, hopefully not fifteen, 'til nineteen. I've never seen so many people at one party before. But if we think about the fact that this house has like four floors, it might not be so many after all. Every once in a while, someone I know walks by and I just say hi. If I'm supposed to survive tonight, I have to get another drink and leave this floor.

Without thinking about checking out the second and third floor, I make my way to the basement. The third floor is strictly reserved to love interests, meaning couples or just random one night stands can crash there. That's the only purpose of that floor.

The second floor, I'd say, is dedicated to no one in particular, although it's usually the younger kids crashing there. It's almost the same as down here with the exception of separate rooms. Most of the people here just talk and play drinking games without being mashed like downstairs. It's a wild jungle on the first floor, and only a few survive with no harm.

My absolutely favourite place of every party is the basement. We count it as a floor too, although technically it's not even considered a party space. It's not the best place you'd want to be when someone mentions a party. If people knew what the purpose of the basement was, they'd surely scrunch their noses a little less and desire to get in a little more.

Not many people know about it. What's happening down there is kept a secret. Not everyone is allowed to enter either. In a way you have to be selected, most definitely allowed, and it's not something many people are granted. Over the years it has become a tradition, but only a few know the real meaning.

It's a dark place, literally and metaphorically. Parties are mostly hosted at three houses we switch between, Ray's house being the most picked. His basement is dark in the literal sense – he's been wanting to fix his light source for a couple of months now, but somehow still hasn't gotten to it. His light bulbs are slowly giving up, one after the other.

The music played in the basement is different too. Everything down there is much different. It's a place where people don't judge each other, where even people who never talk become friends. People come and leave, there's always a new face. It's a safe space that's following the rule that what happens in the basement stays in the basement. Parties are only a cover up for the basement parties, or hang outs. We don't care about the official ongoings upstairs, it's about the wilderness downstairs.

When I attended my first basement hangout that was organised by us, I was surprised to see some faces. It must've been an equal surprise for them to see me there as it was for me to see them. I myself don't really look like the guy to be organising these events myself. Though people would surely say I'd show up.

Just like the floors upstairs, we get drunk and high and play games down here too. It's not the main purpose of the basement, however it has become a norm over the years. It's clear that we're not angels anymore.

On my way to the basement I spot Mae. Thanks to her vibrant hair she's quite easy to spot even in a dark and crowded place like this. She's holding some other girl's hand, but I can't see her properly. All I can see is her hair, which seems to be a shade of blonde. And her black dress. Not very informative. Mae doesn't notice me; she's dragging the girl inside. Their first stop is the bar, which doesn't surprise. I smile to myself and continue my way.

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