The black bouquet

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His apartment is immaculate.

Modern, minimalistic and so elegant. Simply beautiful and so clean.

Sarah grabs my hand, leading the way to her room. I take in all the details I can – the simple decorations bringing the space a rich atmosphere. I catch a glimpse of a big painting hanging on the living room wall right above a leather couch. The family photos on the wall, not too many and all in the same shade and aesthetic. Taken and edited by professionals.

Sarah closes the door to her room the second we enter, preventing Alex from coming in. I'm sure if she had the key to her door she'd lock it too.

She was a little too excited when she saw me standing next to Alex as we picked her up. Her eyes flickered between us, never staying on either for more than two seconds. She hugged me tightly and immediately listed all the things she wanted to do with me. Alex stood by our side, grinning at us with playfully raised eyebrows as he asked her when she planned to do it all. Tonight, she replied. I just chuckled at the sight of her convincingly announcing her plans of skipping sleep tonight.

I sit myself on the edge of her bed, looking around. Her room is a beautiful mixture of soft pink and purple tones, balanced out with the right amount of white. All her toys and decorations are stored in their place. There's not a single thing that's not organised and for a second I wonder what discipline she's already being taught.

"What are we going to do?" I ask her as my eyes settle on her bookshelf that's organised by the colour of the book covers. For a six year old it's already pretty packed.

"We can play with dolls, have a tea party, draw.... Paint our nails. We can have a fashion show!" She giggles at me, jumping up and down excitedly.

"I don't think a fashion show is a good idea," I say. She pouts, but nods her head. "But a tea party sounds lovely."

A small smile creeps onto her face as she hurriedly picks out her tea cups and everything else required for a proper tea party. From somewhere she even magically conjures up a jar of cookies. Mesmerised by the swift movements, it takes me a while to realise the cookies are edible. Not just a too realistically looking plastic replica of delicious sweets.

At last she lays out a lovely butterfly blanket on her carpet. I expect a vase with fresh flowers to appear in the middle, but instead a tea kettle takes its place.

Alex knocks on the door and shoves just his head and shoulders through the small opening. Sarah's eyes flicker in disappointment that she doesn't have a key to really lock the door with. "I'm sorry to disturb your lovely tea party, ladies, but would it perhaps be possible for a gentleman like me to join your event?" 

Sarah blinks a few times, then shakes her head. Now I'm not sure if she's annoyed with Alex's choice of academic words or just his presence.

"Now, if you'd accept our sincere decline and apology, sir, this event is purely for women." I stroll to the door, pushing him by the shoulders. "We do not wish for testosterones to be present at our solemn event."

"Ouch, your words have hurt me, m'lady."

I grin at him.

"I guess I'll retire to my room. You know where to find me."

I close the door, forcing him to back away. I can hear him murmur something under this breath, but not clear and loud enough to make out what he's complaining about now.

"We don't need men here," I tell Sarah, loud and clear for Alex to hear, with a wink.


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