.....Happy birthday?

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I'm late once again, but this time it doesn't seem to matter at all. The party must've started a while ago, but people are still coming like they're on time.

Even though Mae multiple times told me not to buy her anything, I couldn't help myself. I'd feel horrible if I'd come without a birthday present. It took me hours, if not days, to find a perfect gift. Something I'd feel satisfied with. I knew there was no point in stalking her social media accounts, they're all very minimalistic and don't showcase much of her private life, only the highlights. But I still gave it a shot, with no hope at all. I happened to find her old Tumblr account after hours of digging through her friends' accounts. There was no activity on that app for years, though a couple of months ago, she liked a quote from a recently published book. So I settled on buying her a book and a small necklace.

"I won't be long," Leo says as we enter the house. I loosen my hand in his, the hot and humid air causing it to become sweaty.

"You won't be long where?"

"Here." I stop walking and turn around to him.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry, but I'll have to leave soon." I widen my eyes at him. I want to ask why, but no words come out of my mouth. "My dad called a little while ago. Something urgent happened."

I repeat his words with a dry tone. "Something urgent happened."

"I'm really sorry."

I won't lie. It has certainly affected my mood for the rest of the night. I was planning on having fun with him, to dance and talk. He's risking a lot leaving me alone at a party. I doubt he knows anyone here.

"You'll wish her happy birthday with me?"

He nods.

Although a part of me wants to drop his hand, I keep our fingers intertwined. I don't allow him to squeeze mine, our hands are very loosely intertwined.

The music's loud, but it doesn't bother my hearing. It's loud in a perfect way so it doesn't disturb anything, a perfect symbiosis. I can't tell for sure whether the party has or hasn't begun. Most people are only talking, no one's dancing yet. I look around for Mae, but don't spot her vibrant hair anywhere. Her hot pink hair is one of the most vibrant things in the entire room, yet she seems to not be here.

"I'll just go to the bathroom real quick," Leo whispers in my ear before kissing the top of my head. I nod, telling him dryly I'll wait here for him. I'm hurt by his previous announcement, though I'm aware that urgent situations happen spontaneously. Still, I feel betrayed in a way.

My ears catch the sound of a soft guitar play before my eyes spot it. I'm not even surprised this time when my eyes land on the mysterious white haired boy. I was aware that he'd be here.

The black and white electric guitar aesthetically matches with his white hair, along with his traditionally black and white outfit, today significantly more black. It's placed in his lap so delicately I wonder if it isn't made out of glass. He's treating like a precious baby, something more valuable than words can describe. His long slender fingers, some covered in shiny chunky rings, are running up and down the neck of the guitar at a fast and steady pace. The guitar's a part of him, a natural missing part to his whole. His play is... calming and... and awakening a feeling in me I haven't felt before. A feeling I haven't felt because I've never seen anyone play like him. With a natural talent and passion so deep it's clear to everyone music is his life. There's a bright smile on his face, so wide and shining, like I haven't seen before. I didn't assume he could flash the world a smile like that.

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