Chapter 2

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I've discovered that time runs even faster when I have Tinkerbell next to me. I don't know when the last 6 days went! We've spent the days painting the nursery, building the furniture, crafting toys, and reading books about how to raise a newborn baby.

Whenever my body temperature rises too high, I would quickly jump into the pool and swim in the cold water for 15 minutes. That's usually when I would hear the poor baby boy next door crying. Every night, before I went to bed, I sneaked into his room and made him giggle with my flips and turns. Tonight is the same. He looks at me with those big blue eyes and my heart does flips and turns in my chest just like I do for him. I sit on the edge of his crib and tell him stories about Neverland, and he follows me with his eyes and tosses his little arms and feet. Then, as usual, I kiss him Goodnight, wait for his dad to come and cradle him to sleep and return home.

"Per?" I hear James's voice in the morning calling me from outside.

"You can come in!" I tell him as I pour myself a frappe.

"Bells is not feeling well today! Could you please keep a closer eye on her while I'm at work? If anything happens, call me and I'll come back home in 15 minutes. Ok?" He finishes speaking and I notice how stressed he is.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask him concerned.

"She threw up all night, didn't sleep at all, but she can't go to the doctor! They will take her blood and immediately figure out that she's not human!" He tells me and I nod.

"I have no idea what you just said there, but I got it: no hospitals! Go to work!" I tell him with a forced smile on my lips and then immediately run to Tink.

I find her throwing up, covered in sweat and as white as paper. Panic immediately takes over me as I realize how poorly prepared I am to handle such situations.

"Why shouldn't we take you to the hospital, again?" I ask as I try and help lift her up but she faints and collapses on the floor.

"Tinkerbeeeeel!" My terrified scream pierces the air as I kneel to see if she's still breathing. I hear a soft breath and stand up, taking a pillow to place under her head. The doorbell rings and I mentally curse the person that decided to visit today, of all days. I run downstairs and open the door and my heart just stops in my chest.

It's him, our neighbor, holding his son in his arms, wearing a suit?

"I've heard screaming! Are you alright?" He asks with visible concern in his voice.

" My sister is pregnant and she FELL! I think she fainted!" I tell him as I look at his son who is giggling and raising his hands towards me. He remembers me!

"Well, I'm a doctor and I can come in and check her up to see if she is OK. Is it ok if I do that?" He says and places the baby boy in my arms. His little hands reach for my face and he smiles and I think my heart just melted in my chest. But I can't enjoy this feeling too much, because Tink is upstairs, on the floor.

"She's upstairs. Please Hurry! The 1st bedroom on the right." I tell him and follow him to the bedroom where Tinkerbell is.

He kneels next to her and touches her wrist counting to 60. Then He touches her forehead. The last thing he does is to help her sit up and studies her clothes.

"How long has she been throwing up?" he asks.

"James told me that she's been doing it since last night. She didn't want to go to the hospital." I tell him and he shakes his head with disapproval.

"Look if you don't wanna bring her to the hospital, I can hook her up with an IV and when she wakes up, make sure you give her plenty of water. Also make her some boiled chicken meat or some soup. No fresh fruits, no fresh veggies! Everything needs to be boiled for today! I'll come by tonight to check on her, after I finish my shift. Miss, did you understand what I explained to you?" He asks me and I nod.

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