Chapter 3

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I didn't really do much thinking when I chose Austin Butler as an inspiration for Aidan 😁


"I'm sorry I have to ask you to do this again!" Aidan whines as he places Terry and his bag in my arms.

"I'm taking advantage of your kindness!" He says and I just smile warmly at him.

During this last week that he's dropped Terry at my house because his babysitter is nowhere to be found, I've been able to really notice Aidan. He's quite tall, but not too exaggerated, his suits always fit him very well, showing a little of his biceps when he's holding Terry. He has strikingly blue eyes and messy blonde hair that fits perfectly with perfectly shaped lips and pointy jawline. He has such a cute nose! Really?  Even the nose? He's just... he's just soo...

"Maybe you should fire her!" I blurt out and catch him by surprise.

"I'm already searching for someone to replace her!" He says distracted. He stares at Terry and his mind wanders off. His smile slowly fades as his eyes become empty. It's a bit eerie to see him like this.

"I can take care of Terry! He loves me and I adore him! There's no need for you to search for any babysitters." I tell him and he snaps out of his thoughts.

"What?" He asks confused.

"I said I can take care of him! Indefinitely!" And just as the word flies out my mouth, I realized what I've done: I've decided to stay in this realm. I internally freak out but stay strong in front of Aidan. He doesn't need to see my mental breakdown. He needs to go to work! He has hearts to fix!

"We'll discuss this more tonight, ok?" He says and kisses Terry's forehead, allowing me again to get lost in his intoxicating scent. My entire body shakes from the proximity and I have to take a step back and lean against the wall to support myself.

"Goodbye, Peri!" He says while looking into my eyes and squeezing my hand. "You're an angel!" He says and I find myself blushing furiously and not wanting to let go of his hand. He looks down at our entwined fingers and I swear I see a shade of a small smile passing his lips. Then he lets go and walks to his car. Tink walks out of the house and finds me there, leaning against the wall, my face all flushed.

"Let me take him!" She says while looking at me with an all-knowing smug on her face.

"What?" I ask her, coming to my senses.

"Nothing!" She says with the same smug on her face. "I didn't say anything!" She says and place Terry in the playpen we've already assembled for her baby. We got a little bit too enthusiastic yesterday and put this up, even though her baby wouldn't be using it in the next 8 months, or so.

"Tink! I've said something stupid!" I tell her and feel all colour draining from my face as I remember the moment.

"Don't tell me you already told him you love him?" She says and I look at her outraged.

"Why do you keep saying that? It's not even funny!" I tell her and cross my arms against my chest.

"I'm just messing with you!" She says and I roll my eyes.

"I told him I would babysit Terry! That he shouldn't search for a new babysitter! That I'd do it!" I tell her and her smug turns into a heartwarming smile. She comes to me and pulls me into a pregnant bear hug.

"I'm so happy to hear that!" She says between sobs. Of course, she's crying. These days, she cries even when she sees small towels.

"What if my soulmate is born and I'm not in Neverland?" I ask her and she lets me go. She dries her tears with her sleeve and then smiles at me.

"There's nothing wrong with picking your own soulmate, Peri! Drew picked Alla before I was born, and I picked James. Life is just messy like that sometimes!" She tells me and takes my hands in hers.

"I'm scared!" I tell her and she squeezes my hands.

"Change is always scary! Even when it's for the better!"

Terry cries the entire day and feels a little bit warm. I can't seem to comfort him in any way. I even turned into my Pixie form and circled him, but it didn't work! By the time Aidan arrives at the door to pick him up, I'm already exhausted.

"I don't know what to do to calm him down! I didn't give him any medicine because I didn't know if he's allergic to anything!" I tell Aidan as soon as the door opens and he sees me bouncing a crying Terry. He immediately takes him from my arms, places his palm on his forehead and then lifts his blouse up and places his palm on his tummy.

"The fever is not that high. You did well!" He says while still checking Terry up. "Come!" He tells me and I follow him. We both walk inside his house and then go upstairs, to Terry's room. He places him in the crib and then takes  little bottle of syrup and feeds Terry a small spoon.

"That should do the trick!" He says and turns around to see me freaking out. I'm shaking and tears are pooling in my eyes. He comes and pulls me into a hug and strokes my hair.

"You did wonderful, Peri! Don't blame yourself!" He says softly while holding me and right then my entire body lights up like fireworks. The intimacy of his gesture is overwhelming for me. I've hugged friends in this life, even male friends, but it never felt like this. I thought my body will only light up for the touch of my soulmate. What if Tinkerbell is right? He lets me go and studies my face, bending down a little to look into my eyes. He's still a head taller than me.

"Yeah! I'm ok... I think!" I mutter as I try to shake away all the sensations coursing through my body. "So, why does he have a fever?" I ask him to force my mind to refocus on Terry.

"He's teething!" He tells me and I immediately smile.

"Really? Let me see?" I walk to the crib and look at Terry. Aidan comes next to me and gently pulls his lower lip and I can see a tiny tooth coming out.

"Oh my goodness! That is the most adorable thing I've ever seen!" I say with enthusiasm tickling Terry that has finally calmed down. I notice Aidan looking at me with a smile on his face. A genuine smile... and my heart bounces in my chest. It's the first time I get a glance at it and it's hypnotic. I start to feel a little to self aware and stop tickling Terry, fidgeting with my hands next to my body.

"You're amazing!" He says. "We're so lucky to have found you!" His words take my by total surprise and I choke on my own words. What do I say to this? Does he realize the way his words sound to my ears? Luckily for me, his phone starts ringing and he answers it, breaking the spell he put on me.

"Fine! I'll cover for you!" He says annoyed before he ends the call.

"Is there anything wrong?" I ask him and he frowns.

"Would you be able to spend the night here tomorrow?" He asks me and I forget how to breathe. Again with the wording! Are you for real?

"I have to cover for my colleague, the night shift. He says he has the flu as well." He says.

"Either this flu is real, or people just love to skip work!" I say nervously.

"Well, the numbers are going up and it is the normal flu season... I believe him! I don't believe my former babysitter had it, but I believe Ron." He says and smiles absently.

"I'm glad to see you smile!" The words just fly out of my mouth without any sort of filter. He looks at me a bit shocked.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, it's just that tonight is the first time I saw you smile since we met. That's all!" I tell him and he smiles, more timidly this time.

"Yeah! It's been a while!" He says and looks at me in a way that I can't yet figure it out.

"I'll come by tomorrow to check up on Bells and give you the keys to the house." He says and I smile to myself.

Of course you need the keys, Peri! People don't just fly through the window here!

Pixie heart ( Pixie Series 2- Completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum