Chapter 21

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I stop at the Pixie tree first and gather some Pixie dust. I fill a big bag with it and then fly back to the beach. When I arrive, I find Aidan holding Terry in his arms while he sleeps. Tinkerbell is breastfeeding Thomas while Hook just sits down on the sand, looking at the sea. I sit next to him, showing him the big bag of Pixie dust. He smiles and then returns his gaze to the sea.

"You did it, James!" I tell him, and he clenches his fists.

"I did it!" He says with a strangled voice.

"You saved us all!" I tell him and see a tear rolling down his cheek. He quickly dries it with his hand and looks at me broken.

"I couldn't save them!" He says, and I know he is talking about his previous wife and child.

"You have a second chance at happiness here, James. Don't let the past ruin it!" I tell him and pat his shoulder while I stand up.

"Are you all ready to fly back home?" I tell everyone while lifting up the bag.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Tinkberbell says, standing up.

Before we know it, we're right in front of Aidan's door, which he closes in my nose.

"You have to give him time, sis! He needs to process what's happened! His baby got kidnapped. He saw you shift. That's a lot to put on anybody!" Tink tells me, and I frown, knowing she is right.

"Why don't we all go to bed? It's safe to say we've had an insane day!" James adds and I smile bitterly.

"Our hero needs his beauty sleep!" I mock him but he dismisses me with his middle finger. They both go inside the house and I go inside the guesthouse. I look out the window and see the light being turned off in Terry's room, so I shift to my Pixie form and fly through his window to tell him Goodnight.

I change back to my human form as soon as my feet touch the ground. I lean over Terry and he opens his eyes saying "momma" again and raising his hands so that I pick him up. When I turn towards the armchair, I see Aidan's eyes glued to my body. I instantly freeze. I know I'm naked, but I don't know what to do right now.

He stands up and takes a step torwards me. He circles me, stopping in front of my folded wings and places his fingers on my right on, causing me to almost moan. Our wings are the most sensitive part of our body, but he doesn't know that. He can't know how aroused this simple touch gets me, can he?

"I was so afraid!" He says with a visible broken voice.
"I was afraid too!" I tell him between gasps. I still don't want to turn around. I like how he traces the contour of my wings with his pointer. It drives me insane with desire.

"I still am afraid!!" He says and I take a shaky breath

"What for?" I ask, trying to keep my sentences short so he doesn't realize how badly I want him right now.

"That somebody else would steal him from me!" He says and his hand grabs my upper arm.

"Aidan! I just came by to make sure Terry is not scared and to give him a kiss." I remove my arm from his hold and place Terry back in his crib. I take the spare blanket and wrap it around my body.

"I think I'll just go now." I say and feel tears gathering in the corners of my eyes.

"Thank you for saving him, Peri!" He says with that broken voice again.

"Yeah! Anytime!" I say and then shift and fly back to my guesthouse.

I take a very cold shower and then cry myself to sleep.

"He doesn't want me anymore!"

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