Chapter 19

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When I enter my house I notice the furniture is arranged differently. It doesn't look like the place was robbed. Maybe they just gave it to Marble. She always said she loves it. I enter the bedroom, hoping that she hasn't found my little safe in the dresser. I remove the flooring in the corner and find it. Tinkerbell made it so that it only opens with a snowflake I produce. But I haven't used any Pixie magic in so long. I don't even know if I can do it anymore.

I close my eyes and focus on the cold air around me. I take a deep breath and let the chilly air cool my lungs. I open my eyes and exhale, and five snowflakes form in the air. I guide them towards the safe, and the lock opens, revealing my bag with Pixie dust.

"Who are you?" A melodic voice startles me. It sounds so alluring. I turn around, and immediately I can feel it, the connection. My greatest wish and my worst fear: my soulmate. He feels it too because his eyes soften, and he smiles at me. He looks very cute. He has a button nose, silver white hair, and plump lips. His silver blue eyes look at me with wonder.

"I'm Perry." I tell him and lower my gaze.

"I've been waiting for you!" He says, not moving from his spot.

"I've waited for you for so long..." I tell him, my voice hollow. My heart is torn, and my mind is broken. This is probably what Tinkerbell's soulmate felt when she was born he already had a chosen partner.

"I'm Ray! I'm so happy to finally see you!" He says and finally moves from his spot as I stand up.

"Ray, I have to go now! My sister needs me! I'm sorry we had to meet like this." I tell him, and as I walk past him, he takes my hand in his. A sense of calmness takes over me. I suddenly feel safe and at peace. I smile at him and then take back my hand.

"Goodbye, Ray!" I tell him and then take off, flying as fast as I can so that my tears dry and my heart freezes. Why did I have to meet him? Why is the universe punishing me?

By the time I reach the beach, my sobs subsided but my heart still feels broken.

"Did you get it?" James's voice startles me. I make sure that my tears are dry and then turn around, showing him the bag.

"Let's do this!" I tell him and see Tink and Aidan appear from behind the shrubs and branches. I first sprinkle Tinkerbell, then James. I stop when I get to Aidan.

"If I do this, you stay away from Peter! He's cunning and extremely skilled. He will kill you, if he gets the chance!" I tell him, and he raises his eyebrow.

"Just do it!" He says coldly.

"Alright! Repeat after me: I do believe in magic!" I say and he repeats the words. His feet rise from the ground, taking him by surprise. He loses his balance and falls over James.

"Strengthen your core, mate! It's just like riding a motorcycle!" He tells him and they both get up from the ground.

"Do a couple of test rounds together to get used to it! I don't want you falling! And James, please fill him in on the story while you do the rounds!" I tell him and they both take off.

"What's wrong?" Tink asks me, while wiping her tears away. She hasn't stopped crying since this morning.

"I met him..." I tell her and burst into tears myself. Tink wraps her arms around me and squeezes me tight.

"I'm so sorry, Peri! I know how much you've waited for him!" She tells me and I cry even harder.

"I felt it! That connection, that peace of mind! It's real!" I tell her and squeeze her hand. She lets me go and looks into my eyes.

"Was it better that the connection you feel to Aidan?" She asks me and I frown.

"It's very different! It's confusing! With Aidan, I fell in love. The connection was built over these last 7 months. But Ray, I don't even know him! I know my body is physically programmed to be with him, but I don't know him! Am I supposed to just drop everything and return to Neverland?" I ask her, and she gasps.

"You're supposed to do what your heart tells you to!"

"I don't have time to listen to my heart! We have to save the boys, now!

Aidan and James walk towards us from the beach. Aidan seems thrilled about his first flying lesson, but his smile fades when he looks at me.

"If you two boys are done playing catch, let's go get our babies back!"

Pixie heart ( Pixie Series 2- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now