Chapter 11

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"Per?" I hear Tink's voice calling me from outside?

"Coming!" I say and go open the door. "Do you need me to help with something?" I ask her as she walks in.

"I wanted to talk to you about something. And I would like for you to be honest and keep an open mind, please!" She tells me and I know this isn't going to be a pleasant conversation. It probably about the episode I had yesterday.

"I'm fine, Tink! You guys worry too much!" I tell her, trying to get out of the conversation.

"You're not fine, Per! As long as you keep turning into a Pixie, you won't be fine! You can die in human form and you know that! That's the whole thing! When I became human, I was aware that I wanted to live my life with James and accepted I could die or keep some Pixie dust and fly us all to Neverland when our child is an adult and live our lives there." She blurts out and I frown, trying to process what she is asking me to do.

"I can't just give it up!" I tell her.

"Then go back to Neverland! What you're doing will get you killed! Your heart could have stopped, yesterday! Your brain could have been damaged because of how high your temperature was! You need to allow your body to turn human,to get rid of this issue!" She tells me and I look away, processing how to react to this. I'm mad, of course! But I don't know if I should be. She is right! Yesterday I could have died! Tink only wants what's best for me.

"I'll think about it!" I tell her. I honestly just want tonstop having this conversation. "Now, I have to go to work!" I say and leave the guesthouse and head for Aidan's place.

When I walk in, I find Aidan laughing with a young girl. My legs feel like they're about to give up on me and my blood boils in my veins. Is this his new conquest? Is he sleeping with her?

"Hello?" I decide to make myself heard and not run away from this situation. My morning was tough enough with Tinkerbell having "the talk" with me, and now this? The universe is messing with me today!

"Peri! Come on in! I'd like you to meet Julia. She's helped me with Terry while you were sick!" He says with a genuine smile on his face. A smile I want to punch, honestly! Why is he grinning like a stupid teenager in a mall?

"Hi! I'm Peri! Will you be joining us for breakfast?" I ask her with the fakest smile on my lips and throw Aidan a glare that he misses completely.

"No! I just came to collect my payment for the week!" She says and smiles timidly. "I'll be going, now! Call me if you need me, Mr. A!" She says and I almost lose it when she calls him Mr. A. Who the hell does she think she is?

"Then, have yourself a great day!" I tell her and walk towards the fridge to pour myself a glass of cold water. Aidan walks her out and then returns.

"I have a free day, today! You can go home and rest!" He says and I turn around and throw him another glare that he doesn't miss this time. He looks at me concerned.

"Seems like you don't need me at all!" I tell him, my voice dripping with anger.

"That's not true, Peri! But you were sick and I needed help." He justifies himself, but still not enough for me to calm down.

"Look! I also went to the bank and withdrew your salary for last month! I need you!" He says abut that only makes me even more angrier.

"Well, she's just as good as an eye candy as me! It seems like I'm not actually needed!" I tell him and hit the glass on the counter behind me, almost breaking it.

"Don't say that! How can you say that?" He says and walks in front of me and takes my hand in his. His touch sends the same little fireworks underneath my skin and right now, I hate him for this. It makes me weak! It makes me want to forget why I was mad in the first place!

"Maybe I should go!" I say, challenging him to do something. Anything! I can't take this anymore!

"Peri?" He whispers while his fingers lift my chin to look into his eyes. My heart begins racing in my chest and I suddenly feel very hot! Too hot!

"Aidan..." I say his name, holding on to my anger and ignoring the heat that bubbles inside me.

"I never meant to upset you, but it seems I have! Please, stay!" He says with a little smirk on his lips, that I see and I puff with annoyance.

"I just wanted to know where we stand!" I say, not looking away from his eyes. His fingers slowly glide on my jawline and rest on my cheek, making my knees weak and my body tremble with anticipation.

"I was just waiting for you, Peri!" He says and I take a shaky breath and he smirks again, looking at my lips.

"I'm better now! But I should go!" I stutter, my voice shaky.

"What do you really want, Peri?" He asks, his voice dropping a little and his eyes burning into my soul. Flashes of what we did one week ago come to mind and I blush, remembering how his fingers felt on my skin, inside me. He smiles and licks his lips. Is he thinking about the same thing too?

"I just came to work." My voice is barely a whisper. I'm hypnotized by the way he looks at me. The earth could open and lava could be pouring out, but I wouldn't be able to move. He's captivated me!

"Did you, now?" He asks, clicking his tongue. "Are you sure you didn't come because you were curious?" He comes close to my ear, allowing me to feel his hot breath on my skin.

"About?" I ask, still unable to move.

"Are you really going to make me say it, little love?" He asks, his voice dropping even lower. I don't answer him. I just take in a sharp breath, imagining his fingers inside me again. I bite my lip and close my eyes, trying to regain my composure.

"I've waited to do this for a week, now!" He whispers against my ear, touching my skin with his lips. My entire body shivers from all the anticipation and desire building inside me.

"Because you need me?" I ask timidly and feel his lips leaving a trail of kisses from my ear and across my jawline. He stops and looks at me with burning eyes and then takes a deep breath.

"More than ever!" And with that, his lips crash upon mine, pulling my body close to him, making my head spin and my heart explode in my chest. I was born to fit in his arms, for him to kiss and touch and have! He bites my lower lip and I moan into his mouth. He smiles against my lips and groans, as his hands come down my back and under my ass, lifting me to place me on the counter behind me.

"You were jealous!" He says as he kisses my neck, nibbling at my skin.

"I was not!" I say, gasping as he slowly slides my dress off my shoulder and exposes my left breast. He's teasing me, testing to see how far will I go this time.

"You're lying!" He growls silently and circles my nipple with his tongue, making me take a sharp breath. He groans and then wraps his lips around it while his fingers touch the inside of my leg.

"I'm not... *gasp* jealous!" I say between shaky breaths as his fingers start rubbing me through my underwear.

"Little liar!" He silently growls again and pulls my underwear to the side and starts rubbing my bare flesh. I close my eyes and see stars by now. My body is completely at his mercy, and so is my mind. So is my soul! I feel these waves of energy all pulsating in my lower region and my eyes roll in my head. He never stops biting and sucking my nipples while his fingers slide in and out of me, making me moan and gasp with each pulsing in my body. It feels like I'm overcharged, such a painfully delicious electric haze! And then, I explode and my legs begin to shake as my mind turns blank for a couple of seconds.

He stops his ministrations and returns to kissing my lips, while guiding my legs to wrap around his waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and he carries me upstairs, into his bedroom. He leaves the door open and carefully places me on his bed. My mind is still wonderfully numb as I continue to kiss him.

"I'd love nothing more than to have you screaming my name while I'm inside of you! But you have to rest!" He says as he kisses the tip of my nose.

"What's stopping you?" I ask him and reach for the zipper of his jeans.

"Don't tempt me, little vixen!" He says against my lips.

"And what if I want to?"

Pixie heart ( Pixie Series 2- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now