Chapter 8

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When I wake up, she's gone. The thing is, I don't even remember going to bed. I guess I was drunker than I thought. I feed Terry and put him to sleep and then return to bed. An hour later he gets fussy again and I have to get up for good. First, I take 2 aspirins and an advil, then I put on a tshirt and some jeans and finally dress Terry. I go downstairs, take the cake and walk to her house. I ring the doorbell and her sister answers me.

"Doctor Aidan! What a lovely surprise!" She says and James walks to greet me as well.

"Hey, mate! What brings you around?" He asks me and I try to keep my poker face. I can't really tell them that I was left with blue balls earlier, this morning, by none other than Peri.

"I was informed that I should have celebrated my birthday, and since you, James, are my only friend here, I figured we can all enjoy this nice cake Peri bought for me." I tell him and he smirks. He knows something. If he doesn't yet know, he suspects!

"Happy birthday, then! Come on in!" Tink says and invites me to the dining area. "Let me put him in the playpen!" James says and takes Terry from my arms.

"And I'll go get Peri!" Tink says and exits the door to the pool.


"Peri! Peri!" I hear loud knocks on the door.

"What?" I go unlock it and see a very agitated Tinkerbell walking in.

"Why do you lock the door, first of all? And second of all, why is Aidan here to celebrate his late birthday? What did you do?" She asks me and I feel all the blood draining from my face.

"Shit! Damn it! What do I do now? I wanted more time to think about what to do next!" I mumble and start pacing around.

"You can get dressed and tell me what have you gotten yourself into, this time!" She tells me and sits down. "The green dress would look lovely!" She tells me and I roll my eyes at her.

"I can't just appear wearing a fancy dress, Tink! It's too obvious!" I tell her and pull out a short romper.

"Oh, that's even better!" She says and winks at me. "Now, tell me! What did you do!" She is as bossy as usual.

"We kissed!" I tell her and she gasps.

"And you didn't think to tell me immediately?" She says, scolding me.

"Tink? Focus! This isn't about you!" I remind her and she frowns.

"Fine! And then?" She asks and I feel myself die inside when I remember how I ran like a coward.

"Then, I kinda made him eat breakfast, take a shower and go to sleep!" I blurt out in one breath.

"So, you didn't talk about it?" She asks me and I shake my head no.

"Well, if it's any consolation, James did more than just kiss me, the first night. And then I ran away too! It's not like we have burning love stories in Neverland! We're not exactly experts when it comes to this!" She tells me and I smile, realizing she's right. I have no idea what I'm doing! I've never felt so paralyzed with fear in my entire life!

"Please don't leave me alone with him tonight!" I beg her and she gives me a smirk and then stands up. "Tink! I mean it!" I tell her and follow her outside.

"Tink!" Before I can finish talking, we enter the house and I see Aidan and James talking. He stops in the middle of the sentence and stares at me for a couple of seconds and I stare back. My voice gets stuck in my throat and my mind goes blank as I look into his blue eyes.

"Now that we're all here, didn't I see a cake box?" Tink asks and walks past me, snapping me from my trance.

"I've already brought the plates, love!" James tells her and she gives him a sweet peck on the lips. My mouth runs dry, as I remember the kiss we shared this morning. I bite my lip and finally sit down at the table. Aidan sits in front of me.

"Mr, A?" Tink asks and gives me a dirty look. I blush again and hide my eyes from everyone, actually considering turning into a Pixie and flying away, right now.

"It was meant as a joke!" I mutter and feel Aidan's look burn me.

"It was a great joke, Peri! I'm sorry I didn't get to thank you for the cake, this morning!" He says and I finally glance at him.

"Everybody should celebrate their birthday!" I tell him and offer him a small smile. Tinkerbell gets us, walks to the kitchen, and returns with a small candle in her hand.

"And everybody should have their wish come true!" She says and looks at me. Is she really doing this? Is she really asking me to make his wish come true? I look at her worried and she signals me with her eyes toward the cake. Then she presses the candle into the cake and says the magic words that summon the enchantment.

"Happy birthday, Aidan! Make a wish!" And I know she means it. I open the ring I wear with Pixie dust, and when Aidan closes his eyes and blows the candle, I quickly sprinkle a little bit of Pixie dust on top of the candle, making it real.

"What did you wish for?" James asks but Tink intervenes.

"You can't ask that and you can't say your wish, otherwise it losses its magic!" She says and James gives us both a look and offer Aidan the knife.

The conversation becomes lighter as the wine starts pouring. James makes sure to keep our glasses full while Tink retires upstairs with Terry.

"I honestly forgot how it felt!" Aidan says and captures my attention. He's smiling again, so carefree, so relaxed. I love how he looks right now.

"How what feels?" I ask him curious.

"To relax, to chat with friends! I love my work, but it's eating me alive!" He says and I frown at the thought of him feeling so.

"Then why don't you try something else?" James asks him and he thinks for a couple of seconds before he looks at me.

"Maybe I will!"

"Maybe I will!"

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