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"This doesn't seem real," Clementine mumbles while sitting on a sofa bouncing one leg up and down. The A honor roll student didn't care for Morgan as much because the popular cheerleader stabbed her way too many times in the back but Clementine never wished she was dead either.

Anastasia paces back and forth gripping the roots of her long hair. "I can't stop shaking. This is a fucking nightmare."

Kristen, the biker chick rocking a blonde buzzcut wearing a black leather jacket and jeans lights a cigarette. "I wonder what the hell happened,"

Gwen pops open a water bottle and takes a sip then pulls out her phone when receiving a text from one of the neighbors. "Nina's throat was cut and Morgan was stabbed twenty two times." She gulps, eyes widening after reading the message out loud.

Standing against a window with her arms crossing in front of her chest, Mia looks back over one shoulder feeling her tummy turn upside down. "Sounds like foul play," Her voice comes out in a whisper, eyes wide while staring at the floor.

"Who could've killed those girls?" Gabriella freaks out, tucking some curls behind both ears.

Jungkook sighs deeply. "Probably one of her boy toys she tossed away after finding someone new to play with."

"Oh stop," Clementine groans.

Jungkook gives her a what-did-I-say-wrong- look and scoffs. "What? You know Morgan got around with so many guys on campus,"

"Yeah you would know," Clementine rolls her eyes and Jungkook glares at her for a second knowing exactly what she means.

"The girl is dead for God's sake could you not talk shit about her right now?" Gabriella argues.

Anastasia's body trembles against the wall she's leaning on as she's sending text messages to her boyfriend. "Does anyone know where Jimin went?"

The doorbell rings startling the girls in the living room. Anastasia tilts her head back, swallowing the rest of the bitter alcohol she poured a few minutes ago.

"That's probably him." Gwen's heels clanks against the floorboards as she rounds the corner in her house.

Mia's phone chimes in her pocket. She then takes it out and frowns at the text from an unknown number.

I did you a favor. Aren't you satisfied? The queen bee is dead.

Read 9:04pm

A sharp gasp comes out of her mouth, eyes blinking rapidly while reading the text. Clementine sees her but doesn't bother her, thinking she's just upset about something else.

Not responding back, she quickly puts her phone away when loud footsteps enters the living room.

Anastasia stands with her arms crossed in front of her chest when her boyfriend walks in the room wearing different clothes. A pale blue hoodie and dark blue jeans. "And where the hell you been?"

"I went home to change clothes." Jimin glances around the room as everyone looks at him suspiciously. "What's the problem?"

"Why did you go home to change clothes?" Mia asks with knit brows, not really fully trusting Jimin right now. That text she received could be from anyone.

The pretty blond boy scoffs. "Some asshole spilled food on me when I was in the kitchen so I went home and changed. Now why is everyone looking at me like I did something wrong?"

"You did nothing wrong.  Your ex lover and her minion is dead and you went missing for like an hour so we got worried that you were next." Gwen shrugs then takes another gulp of water trying to remain calm and sober at the same time but eagerly wants more alcohol.

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