7. Collared Greens

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Oh, Oh, Luxury 

Chidi-ching-ching could buy anything, cop that

Oh, oh, collard greens 

Three degrees low, make it hot for me drop that 

7. Collard Greens 

As soon as they walked in, their ears were filled with loud music and chatter. Everyone was dressed in casual party clothes and the room looked slightly different. It was dimly lit in dark green, smoke and fog could be seen above the dancing students. The fireplace was no longer there, leaving the middle of the room open for dancing and the couches were moved to the sides. Directly across from the door, there was a big stage with a microphone in the middle. Though there was no one on it, everybody knew.

Where there is a stage, there's always Lyra. 

The four boys looked around, looking for a familiar face. A friendly one, at least. They spotted Fabian trying to balance a drink on his nose. Gideon was near by, pouring firewhiskey in a girls mouth. They averted their gaze when they heard a familiar laugh. 

Belicose Razi was spinning around with Chelsea sitting on his right shoulder and Lyra on his left. He held on to one of each girl's thighs for support. 

As soon as Lyra's eyes landed on the boys, she tapped Belicose, signaling him to put her down. He carefully went on his knees and her feet landed on the ground as Sirius watched closely at his hands sliding away from her thigh. She gave Belicose a small kiss on the cheek, whispering a thank you and Sirius' jaw clenched. 

She walked up to them with a smile and thew her hands up. " YOU'RE HERE!"

She was wearing a black suit with a dark green collared shirt. The top three buttons were undone and her black tie was loose, revealing a simple snake neckless resting on her chest.  

James gave her a hug. 

" I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WERE'N'T COMING" she screamed over the music.

" I never said that." Remus responded in her ear while hugging her. 

" WE JUST CHANGED OUR MINDS. IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL." James said looking around, most probably looking for a particular redhead. 

Peter and Lyra hugged.

" SURE IT'S NOT." she smiled. Her eyes shifted to land on Sirius who was standing directly in front of her. They both hesitated on a hug before she took a tiny step away and looked up at him with a small smile. Even though she was tall, he was still a little taller than her. 

" Black." she gave a nod. 

" White." he bowed his head a little, keeping his eyes on her. 

Their eyes lingered on each other for a moment then Lyra turned to the others. 

" Alright, so make yourselves comfortable. There's drinks over there," she pointed to a side " and there's snacks as well. If you need me I'll be...well, everywhere. It won't be that hard to find me" She turned to leave but then turned back again. 

Black and White // A Sirius Black FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now