Who'd you rather.

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I glanced at the door just like everybody else as Astoria was coming in, in a rush.

"Oh hi guys sorry I'm late" she said while she put her bag down and sat next to us in the big wooden square table. We had a group project in this class.

"Heyy, you look cute" Pansy complimented her with a smile

"Thank you! Do I have lipstick all over my face?"

"No why?" Said daphne with a curious tone in her voice

"Oh nothing just me and Draco had a little make out session is his dorm"

The girls rolled their eyes at her answer. While I was just shocked and actually a little disgusted as a picture of them making out formed in my head making me shake it in order to make it stop.

"Is my shirt on right?" She asked

Enzo glanced at her shirt for a second "Why would your shirt not be on right?"

"Oh you know..actually no you don't" she quickly said with a grin.

Astonishingly Theo finished writing a sentence down before joining our conversation. He was writing and actually paying attention?! I looked over and it was just a doodle of an over exaggerated muscly toad in a pink swimsuit. Yup that's Theo for you.

"Why isn't Draco here? I thought he was coming" he asked.

Astoria sighed "He had to stay In his dorm and sleep, because we were up all night...you know..sex.." she answered with a smirk

Blaise looked up raising an eyebrow "Mhm I don't know about that"

I grimaced what are we even talking about. And why do I feel the sudden need to hit the next bucket from how my stomach keeps turning at the sound of this conversation.

"Stop saying sex like that" Daphne said scrunching her face

"SEX! See it's not dirty."

A few students quickly turned their heads at our table including the trio, "SSH do you want us to get in trouble" i hit her head with my book. I didn't care if we did. I just cared that we would've gotten a punishment for something as pathetic as someone who can't keep their shit together and mouth closed about inappropriate themes.

"Yeah seriously stop it" Adrian said agreeing with me.

"SEX!!" Is she drunk right now or should I hit her with a curse and save us the embarrassment of letting her still speak?

The professor immediately glanced at our table.

"Oh sorry." She apologized, then leaned in laughing like she was drunk, yeah I called it.
"Sorry guys honestly I've just been craving....Sex lately" she then started giggling.

"Jeez" Theo said "Honestly did Draco roofie you last night or??" Asked Enzo.

Pansy saw how uncomfortable I was actually no how we all were and turned to me "Okay anyways Delphini let's play a game" she requested. This class is boring and Astoria cannot stop talking so I nodded.

"It's a very simple game of who'd you rather"

I raised an eyebrow "Alright proceed"

"Alright, Blaise or Marcus flint"


He shot me a smile "Sounds about right"

"Alrighty. Blaise or Adrian?"


I'm quick to answer because look at Blaise. He is polite, respectful, handsome, knows how to listen. He would make the greatest of Allies.

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