Chapter 5.

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I found Ava sitting in the corner of the cafeteria and made my way over to her

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I found Ava sitting in the corner of the cafeteria and made my way over to her. I slumped in the seat next to her and sighed with exhaustion.

"Jesus! Ariel?! I nearly jumped out of my skin. Don't go around looking like a zombie and giving people an early death." She rolled her eyes at me and went back to studying. Do I really look that bad?

"These goddamn exams, Ava. Scoring straight A's in each exam is extremely tiring. I've kept my head buried in textbooks all week. I need a break."

I know I'm good at studies and I'm the last person you'd expect to complain about it, but I'm good at it because I have to be. I don't actually enjoy studying. Nobody does I suppose.

"Please tell me you've showered at least once this week. If you say no, I'm gonna tell people that I don't know you. I can't have people thinking I'm friends with your stinky ass."

Am I really stinking right now? I mean, I did shower today or atleast I thought it was today. Oh God, have I been walking around campus stinking this whole day? I'm gonna kill everybody who saw me but didn't tell.

While I was questioning my whole existence at that moment, I gathered up the courage to smell my armpits and there was nothing except for a faint hint of my lavender bodywash. My nose flared in anger as I looked at the evil person in front of me with a murderous intent.

She peeked at me from behind her book, trying to control her laughter. "I'm sorry. But you have to admit it was funny. You should've seen your face. You looked paler than a ghost."

I would've killed her if she wasn't my only friend. "You are not funny. I was debating whether to drop out of college or disappear from the face of the Earth after the humiliation." She tried to stifle a laugh at my response but failed miserably.

I rolled a tissue in a ball and threw it at her. She caught it before it could hit her and grinned like she caught a freaking baseball. She threw it back at me and it hit me straight in the head. Great. Just what I needed today. A bonk in the head. I crossed my arms and slumped back in my seat accepting defeat.

"You wouldn't have fallen for my trick if you had a boyfriend. You'd make out with him everyday and never forget to shower." She snickered at me.

She clearly has a lot to learn about boyfriends. Making out everyday lasts for the honeymoon period only. After that, they start bickering like an old married couple. That's what I've gathered from my own experiences anyway.

"I'd prefer stinking than having to deal with another toxic boyfriend. I think I've had enough for a lifetime." I said firmly and unlocked my phone to scroll through Instagram.

"Not every guy is toxic, you know. I'm not gonna lecture you on this because you'll see for yourself someday. Speaking of good guys..... How's it going with Kevin?"

After Kevin left saying that he had some important business to attend to, I decided to call Ava and tell her everything. She teased me for hours.......obviously but she also reached the same conclusion that he was being mindful of our friendship.

His hard-on was proof enough that he wasn't repulsed by my naughty side and in fact, found it hot.

"We actually haven't talked much since that day. We've both been busy with exams so we haven't found the time to hang out together. He still texts occasionally to make sure that I'm not driving myself mad due to stress."

Even though he was embarrassed about that day, he still cared enough to check up on me. I couldn't help but smile at the thought.

"That's it. I'm taking you guys out drinking after our last exam today. You've had a tough week. And no, I'm not taking no as an answer." She quickly added when she saw me shaking my head.

"You need to come out of your womancave and make public appearances other than college or people are going to assume you're pulling some batman level shit."

I would've said no any other day but I was too tired to argue with her. Also, I deserved to have some fun after all the hectic studying.

"Okay Ava, you win. We are going out tonight." She squealed happily and began gathering her long forgotten books from the table.

"See you tonight then. I need to find my history professor to ask something so I'll be leaving first. Wear something short and slutty if you plan to seduce your best friend. Not me, the other one." She winked and walked away laughing to herself.

I returned my attention back to my phone after she left. I intended to close Instragram and send Kevin a text about our plans tonight but an interesting post on the screen caught my eye. I smirked as an idea formed in my head.

The post : Who needs therapy when you can have all your stress sucked out of your body? Next time you are stressed, try getting head. #Givebjstherecognitiontheydeserve

I quickly sent it to Kevin and typed, "I know these exams have been stressing you out lately. Being the good friend that I am, I'll totally lend you a helping hand..... or mouth, to be specific." I added a couple winking emojis at the end and pressed send.

I could picture his face flushing when he reads that text. I was kind of looking forward to his response but he disappointed me when he replied, "Haha. Very funny." He has a lot to learn if he thinks I will joke about something like this.

"I'm not joking. I take my sexual pleasures very seriously. Or yours... in this case." I replied, slightly offended that he tried to shrug it off as a joke.

"I'm sure you do. The erotic books sitting on your desk are proof enough of that." He was so wrong if he thought I'd let him change the topic like this.

"So... When can I come over to help?" I was about to set my phone down and wait for his reply when another idea occurred to me.

"Actually... After the other day, I'm sure you know that you are perfectly capable of sexting. This is the perfect opportunity to apply that knowledge. I can help you from here. All you have to do is touch yourself imagining it's me." I wouldn't be surprised if he drops his phone while reading this.

When he didn't reply for 10 minutes, I knew he wasn't going to. "Geez, okay! I'll stop teasing you. You don't have to seenzone me. I was just trying to help but nobody appreciates nice people these days I guess."

"So... Did you just text to mess with me or you actually had something to say?" He replied within a minute this time. Wow. Didn't even try to act like he didn't ignore my previous messages purposely.

"Yeah, actually... I wanted to tell you that we are going out drinking with Ava tonight. We deserve that after this extremely stressful week. Pick me up at 8?"

"See you at 8."


What that post said is true though. It indeed helps in reducing stress ;)

I swear I'm dying for the smut as much as y'all <3

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