Chapter 22.

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"I want us to get back together

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"I want us to get back together. I'm sorry for the things I said last time. I just got angry when I saw you with a new boyfriend. Everything's fine now that he's out of the way."

The audacity he had to even suggest getting back together both infuriated and disgusted me at the same time.

"What right did you have to get angry at me for finding a boyfriend two years after our break when you found yourself a girlfriend while being in a relationship with me?"

I surprised myself when I suddenly shouted at him. Guess I myself had no idea how much bitterness I had been carrying in my heart.

"I'm sorry, okay? Can you let that one thing go? I've changed now. I promise."

What an original thing to say. He looked at me expectantly like he truly believed I'd fall for that shit.

"One thing? ONE THING? First of all, that thing alone is big enough to never let go. You treated me like a sidechick in my own relationship. But more importantly, that's not the only thing you did. How can you even say that after you fucking traumatized me?"

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down because I knew there won't be another chance to let it all out and I couldn't have him walking out on me before I gave him a piece of my mind.

"Look, just give me another chance, okay? I still love you." I couldn't help but scoff at him. Love? Did he even know the first thing about love?

"Still love me? You never loved me, Steven. I don't know what I did wrong but you never loved me. You always said you did but your actions told an entirely different story."

That's when my voice cracked.

I tried but failed to stop the tears brimming in my eyes. I had kept the pain and grief stored inside me for so long that it was ready to spill over, or drown me in it.

"You used to ignore me without any reason, without any explanation; whenever you felt like it. Not everybody. Just me. Did you ever stop and think how that made me feel? You used to make fun of me in front of your friends just for a few laughs. Do you have any idea how many insecurities I've got because of that?"

His face morphed into a mask of confusion like he didn't remember any of the things I told him. Of course. Why would he? What was I expecting? It never effected him. It only affected and destroyed me.

The realisation that he didn't even care enough to remember and forgot all of that while I was still haunted by the memories pissed me off more for some reason.

"You used to take your anger out on me; mistreating me, calling me names, blaming me for every minor inconvenience in your life. Do you know that you are the reason I got my inferiority complex?"

Every painful memory that I had tried so hard to contain within my heart surfaced at that moment and I burst into tears.

I remembered how I started wearing baggy clothes to hide my figure, how I stopped feeling confident, how I started comparing myself to every girl he flirted with, how I constantly felt like I was never enough.

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