Chapter 2 - Jamie's Logical Daughter

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_____THIS STORY IS AN ORIGINAL IDEA!!!!! Anyway, thanks for reading! I'm really proud of this story. Tell your friends, favourite, add, whatever. Thanks again :D


Jack's POV

"Jamie!" I realised. Jamie's drawing of that day I had sled him down the streets and he had lost his tooth was framed on this wall! What on earth...

"Hey Dad!" I heard Belle say. I snapped myself out of it and almost ran towards the kitchen, my heart in my throat and my mind racing over. I stopped just before the door and cautiously peeked my head around the corner. I watched as Belle put the grocery bags on the kitchen island as her dad did the dishes. I couldn't help but just stare at what was happening. It was difficult to comprehend the events of the past five minutes and what was happening, like a movie playing out before me. A moment between Belle and her dad seemed so normal to them, but was astonishing to me.

"What are you doing up, Dad? You're supposed to be resting," Belle smiled, walking up and giving her dad a light kiss on the cheek. For a moment he paused and thought over the answer, as if he said the wrong thing he would upset his daughter.

"Ciara reheated some chicken soup for me," her dad replied. Then he turned around. 


I couldn't help but breathe in a short, sharp gasp as I quickly hid so he wouldn't see me, because I knew he could. He had grown so much! He was much taller, his hair was starting to grey at the sides of his head, he had a stubble brown beard. His eyes had clouded slightly, hidden behind his black-rimmed glasses. His body was wider and more muscular than the skinny boy I once knew, his shoulders broad. Not to mention his voice was deeper too. What a weird coincidence that I had been drawn to the house he lives in. Or maybe it wasn't a coincidence. Maybe it was fate.

Still, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The little boy I once knew stood so close to me, grown up and mature. So much so that he had two of the most beautiful daughters I had ever seen. I had missed so much having not been here for such a long time. I missed him. It struck me that I would never see that little boy again. I would never see that missing tooth. I would never have him hug my legs again. Would never see him jumping on his bed. I had missed it all. That hurt me. But then again, I was excited when faced with the reality of Jamie having a family of his own. Such a sweet family, sharing all the love in the world between them.

"So I heard," Belle replied, returning to the groceries, beginning to unpack the contents. Jamie chuckled and smiled revealing perfectly white adult teeth. Last time I had seen him, he was missing his front one, it was strange; very strange. Jamie had changed so much in appearance, I was sure I almost wouldn't have known it was him if I had not seen the picture on the wall.

"I feel a lot better. Plus I needed to get out of that bed." Belle paused for a moment with a hidden smile.

"Well, I'm glad you're feeling better. I'll do the dishes and finish up the groceries, you go back up to bed," she said.

"I'm almost finished with the dishes. I may as well keep going."

"Well then I'll do the groceries," she replied, realising there was no way she could win an argument with her dad. So Belle continued unpacking the groceries and putting them in their pantry and fridge. Half way through, she took off her jacket and hung it on the small oaken chair in the corner before continuing.

"So, is it cold outside?" Jamie asked. What an unusual question. Even in this house I could still feel a slight chill, noticing later it was because of a badly repaired break in a window, just big enough to fit a golf ball hit by a reckless six year old girl.

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