Chapter 9 - Captured

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Belle's POV

I was still falling, knowing that at any moment, I could hit solid ground, crushing every bone in my body and every fibre of my being. I swiped all around for something to hold onto as I screamed. Nothing. Then my feet slipped in front of me and I was now sliding diagonally down. Thank goodness it wasn't a dead stop. I couldn't stop screaming! I was so frightened and terrified, I knew not what my thoughts entaled. My mind flipped almost as often as my heart pumped blood throughout my shaking body. I was alive and I was sliding, but I didn't know how much longer that would last.

All of a sudden, the slide stopped and I tumbled forward onto what felt like cold, stone pavement. I had landed on my hands, scraping the palms slightly. They stung a little, but I wasn't worried about that. I was more worried about where I was. This place was so dark. Not as in pitch black, like the tunnel. The light in here was dim and I wasn't quite sure where it was coming from, but I meant it was dark as in something out of horror movie. It was dreary. Yeah, that's the word. Dreary. There were human-sized dark, rusty bronze cages hanging from the ceiling, which creeped me out to such an extent that the hairs on my arms stood up. Some of the pathways leading off into the shadows were twisted, on angles and upside down. How could anyone walk on those? That's when I noticed a golden coloured globe off in the distance. All over it were lights, like the globe at North's workshop, but different. As if this globe had a different purpose.

"Where am I?" I asked myself. I pushed myself off the dusty floor, trying not to make my hands sting any more than they already were.

A slight echoed chuckle made myself and my heart jump, snapping my head around to search for the source. It wasn't just a chuckle, it sounded evil and made me feel sick in the stomach, sending shivers up my spine. I spun around, trying to find where the voice had come from, but I didn't see anything but shadows.

"Belle?" the voice said. It was a man's voice. He said my name as if I was supposed to recognise the voice, but I didn't at all. I had never heard that voice before. I kept frantically turning around, and I noticed the end of the tunnel was gone. It was now just a dirt wall, connected like the rest of it, as if there had never been a tunnel there in the first place. Where on earth was I?

"I'm over here," the voice said again. I turned quickly to the voice and saw a figure. Tall and scary thin, with pale grey skin, black spiky hair, this long black robe, stopping dead at the ground. His feet weren't visible and the only skin that was, was on his face, neck and hands. Even his eyes were grey with what looked to be hints of gold sprouting from his pupils. His clothing faded into his skin, creating a single being with what looked to be an extra skin appearing as clothing. How... Who is this strange looking, mysterious man?

"Who are you?" I hesitated, amazed at this man's demeanour.

"You don't know?" he placed a hand on his chest, almost offended as he walked towards me. He was very creepy and I couldn't help but back away a little.

"Why... I'm Pitch Black." My heart sunk. Pitch Black. The Boogie Man. The one who had threatened to hurt my dad. The one who had wanted to make everyone fear him. The one who had killed Sandman. And he was here, alone with me while I had no way of escape. He must have seen how horrified I was, because he tried to hide a smirk. I exhaled a lot more than I thought I would and it took a couple seconds to inhale it back in again. He had sucked the air out of me. I was so shocked, I began to feel dizzy, as if I would pass out at any moment.

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