Looking Back

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Hey everyone. I haven't written in awhile but I thought it might be nice to share something that happened this week. It was kind of special to have taken place. I think I really needed it. You know, Jade and me time.

Jade had been up for some time when Artemis awoke to get some water and a midnight snack because she couldn't sleep.

"Oh?! Hey Jade. What are you doing up this late?" Artemis asks.
"Hey sis. Sigh. Nothing. Just thinking." Jade replies as she lowers her head.
"Are you ok?" Artemis questions as she sits next to Jade.
"I was just thinking about our past."
"You mean when dad trained us and mom was in jail?"
"Yeah. Horrible times." Jade grins.
"I wouldn't say it was all bad."
"You wouldn't?" Jade raises a brow.
"Yeah. I mean, remember when we hid dad's maze in the refrigerator?"
"Ha! Yeah! He flipped out and started throwing furniture. He was always a baby when he got mad." Jade laughs.
"No, I'm talking about the part when we finally told him and he started laughing because he was happy that we managed to steal it without him noticing."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying even with all the training and fights, we still had some good moments with dad."
"I guess so." Jade frowns.
"Jade, tell me about when you and Roy started getting serious. What was it like?" Artemis asks.
"That was kind of random. Why do you want to know?" Jade replies.
"I'm asking because whether you'll admit it or not, Roy was mean and difficult like dad when he was younger. He still is sometimes. I'm just curious what attracted you to him given our history with dad."
"Well...I guess his bad boy persona drew me in. And of course, he's hot. What more could a girl ask for?" Jade smirks.
"So...what happened?" Artemis smiles.
"Sigh, ok. I'll tell you the story."

Immediately Artemis scoots closer to Jade, entirely focused on what she was going to say.

"It was a rainy night in Gotham. I was out trying to break into a huge museum.
Ra Al Ghul wanted me to collect some ancient scrolls for a mission he was working on, but of course I was going to get something out of the scrolls myself. Will or Roy at the time, was probably on 'patrol' when he found me."

"Mmm...Cleopatra the seventh's ancient scrolls. Bound to have a couple poisonous concoction recipes in here." Cheshire purrs.

Suddenly Cheshire hears glass break from the other side of the museum.

"Seems I have company. Too bad I won't be sticking around to find out who it is." Cheshire continues as she begins to sneak towards her exit when out of nowhere, an arrow flies past her, nearly catching her kimono.
"Hmm? A red arrow huh? I wonder who that could belong to. As if I didn't already know." Cheshire whispers sarcastically.
"Good! We're acquainted. Now the scrolls, Cheshire!" Red Arrow angrily pronounces.
"Didn't know poison was your study, Red."
"It's Red Arrow! And you know that's not why I want them." Roy growls.
"Tell me then, are these scrolls the only reason why you came here tonight?" Cheshire smirks, walking closer to Roy.
"No. I've come to turn you over to the police, Cheshire. You've done enough damage."
"Oh baby, you think that's bad?! I haven't even begun!" Cheshire laughs.
"Come here!" Roy yells as he attempts to grab ahold of Cheshire before she quickly moves away.
"Gonna have to try a little harder than that, Red."

After a very painful exchange of punches and kicks, Red Arrow manages to jump onto Cheshire, plunging her to the ground from a ten foot platform.

"Uggghh!!!" Cheshire exclaims.
"Ugh! You're finished, Cheshire!" Roy blurts.
"Ohhhh...uggh...Red!" Cheshire groans.
"What?!" Roy questions in a gruff tone, clearly confused.
"You smashed my leg, you dummy!" Cheshire blurts as she throws her mask off.
"Sorry but you made me!"
"Get off!"
"No! I'm not stupid! You'll try to escape!" Roy glares.
"No I won't, bow boy! You have my oath."

Slowly with hesitation Roy lifts himself off of Jade, releasing her leg from his position.

"Uggghhhh!!!" Jade groans loudly.
"Here, hold still." Roy says as he gently feels her leg, checking for any breaks.
"Is it broken?"
"No. Just sprained really badly."
"Oh great! Do me a favor will you?"
"What?" Roy replies.
"Break it."
"What?!!" Roy yells.
"Break it! A sprain will take a lot longer to heal. But a break will recover much faster." Jade explains.
"Jade, I'm not going to break your leg."
"Fine, I'll do it." Jade says as she leans forward, grabbing ahold of her leg.
"Stop! This is your problem, deal with the consequences. Don't break your leg!"
"Sigh. Fine. Jerk." Jade glares.
"I'm not a jerk. You'll thank me later. Now, where do you live?" Roy questions.
"I'm not telling you!"
"Well I'm not going to tell you where I live, miss assassin! Besides, your lucky I'm helping you anyways."
"Sigh, alright. But you have to promise not to tell anyone. Deal?!" Jade says before holding out her hand to shake.
"Sigh, deal." Roy says, shaking Jade's hand.

After helping Cheshire to her abandoned apartment in downtown Gotham, Red Arrow gets her into her bed, putting some cloth covered ice around her leg.

"Mmm! Cold!" Jade exclaims.
"You ok?" Roy asks.
"Yeah. I'll be fine."
"Good. So, why do you stay in this dump?"
"Nowhere else to go."
"Really? Ra Al Ghul doesn't fix you up good?" Roy says, crossing his arms.
"Ha! Ra?! He assigns a mission, gives plane tickets and expects us to figure the rest out on our own."
"Who's us?"
"Right. Well, get some rest Jade. You need it." Roy replies before walking out of her room.
"Red, wait." Jade says.
"Come here." Jade grins.
"Why?" Roy raises a brow as he walks closer.

Instantly Jade grabs Roy's strap on his uniform, pulling him in for a kiss.

"Thanks for the help." Jade smirks before letting go.
"Uh...yeah. You're welcome, Jade." Roy replies as he nervously rubs his neck while walking away.

"So wait a minute." Artemis interrupts.
"Yes?" Jade says.
"That's when things started getting serious?"
"Well, to be honest, Sis. Things got serious when he proposed. Even after our wedding, the only time we spent together was in search for Speedy. Sure, we had moments that were...intense. But I'm not sure that's even the right word."
"So serious only existed because of legal commitment, not love?"
"Well, I knew I was in love with him for a while, even before marriage. But he told me that he wasn't in love with me and that he married me because he felt I understood him unlike everyone else." Jade replies.
"Wait. He said that after marriage?!" Artemis exclaims.
"I'm sorry that I wasn't there, Jade. That must've been so hard."
"Oh stop, sis. You weren't there because of me. I know you would have been if I hadn't pushed you away. I'm sorry."
"Hey, No hard feelings." Artemis smiles before hugging Jade.
"Now, care to share some more stories?" Artemis continues.
"Sure, sis." Jade grins.

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