〔 Chapter 6 , To the forest 〕

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”You are definitely built different, you are truly fascinating L/N.”

A sentence that made you feel thousands of butterflies that was fluttering all over your stomach, your face was fully red, redder than before and cold sweats was dripping all over your face. You were sat in a speechless state, sitting still in the same position. His words of compliments was like killing you with love, it is something you never had before, not until now. A few minutes passed you didn't responded anything, his gaze felt more soften in every second. A paranoid feeling wondered you.

”Miss L/N? Are you alright?” A shaken movement slightly waved your shoulder. Your thoughts went back to reality as your attention went straight to the black-haired man with almost a worried look.

”Is there by any chance, that you are feeling sick? Shall i bring you to the hospital wing?”

”Oh. No! Not at all professor, I am completely fine”

You said with the most reassuring tone. You tried to wipe the sweat off your face that was dripping all over your forehead. As you tried to wipe it off, the man you adored held over a handkerchief to you. It was a plain dark blue color with white lines at the edges of it. You took it from his hand, feeling cold finger tips pressed against your sweaty ones. You gave him a thankful nod and once again, the comfortable silence that you needed continued.

”So professor, is there by any chance,
that i can help you with something that you needed assistance? anything at all.”

You asked as he gave a good thought of what you should do. You gazed at the man you loved, his face was deep in his thoughts, a glimmer of the light from the fire really lightens the atmosphere, including snape.

”Well, i do need to search some ingredients at the forest”

”Forest? You mean the forbidden forest?”
You asked with slight widen eyes. Never you have wanted step another a foot at that mysterious forbidden forest. Hesitate, you tried to gather as much courage to convince yourself to go to that horrendous forest.

”Mmh! Alrighty then, when will we start?”

”We can do it now, well, if there isn't any possible plans that you are planning for today” he said with a slight curiosity. You shook your head as a no and honestly, as much as you wanted to spend another day with your slytherin friend, an alone time with severus snape, it is a moment you can not miss!

”Well then. I will meet you outside my office after breakfast. Do not forget to wear safety clothing as you go” He reminded you before standing up from his chair, grabbing his book and proceed to give you a thankful nod as he left the room. The moment snape left, you immediately start squealing like a fan girl. An overjoyed feeling came flushing all over you and you didn't want it to stop.
Never in your whole life, you have felt such happiness and such powerful romantic feelings towards someone, 'could it be that he is really your soulmate?'  that thought never stops running through your head, like it was trying to warn you. After your short celebration of happiness, you decided to go straight to the great hall for breakfast and honestly, this is the only time that you felt more energetic and happy than the few days you were here at hogwarts. Walking through the halls towards the great hall, you see your lovely slytherin friend jogging towards you. You stopped your tracks as you and your friend were finally two feet away.

”Kendrick? What happened to you mate?”
You questioned your friend as he tried to catch every single breathe he takes.

”W..what h..happened” He said as he tries to speak with a heavy breathing in his tone, catching every single breath that he can get. You looked at him with a confused look as you try to figure out what your friend meant.

”Did something happened between you and snape?” He added with a straight forward face. A teasingly and playful smirk was slowly painted at his face as pink rosey cheeks appeared, never this women will ever stop blushing. Speechless, was all that you can think of, well aside from playfully punching his arm for teasing you.

”Ouch! I was kidding Y/N! Geez, you got good reflexes, though it still hurts”
A dramatic tone he said, as he gently caressing his arm where you punched him.
You rolled your eyes and continued walking to the great hall with kendrick.

”Though, Y/N, what actually happened with you and snape inside the staff room?” He asked as he tried to give you the puppy dog eyes which was something you can not ignore.

”Oh hush! We just had a small conversation”

”That's it?”

”What else are you looking for?” You said with a slight raised eyebrow, looking at your friend suspiciously.

”blegh, you guys are no fun”

”And you're a massive drama queen”

You added, nudging his elbow playfully. You didn't want him knowing that you will be spending the day with snape, your paranoid persona made you think that he come along or spy the both of you and ruin the moment. Walking through the big doors of the great hall, a sneaky glance was stolen as you gaze upon the potions master who was sitting at the teacher's table next to the some of the other professors. A smile painted you, but as you gazed the man you noticed him looking at you as well, is that smirk that i see? After a long meal and listening to dumbledore's not stop talking about anything honestly. You gave your goodbyes for now as you head to your dorm to change your clothing for your ingredient picking with snape.

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