〔 Chapter 8 , A chance 〕

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Snape's POV

〈 At the hospital wing 〉
〈 11:03 a.m 〉

It has been days, weeks actually. It's been the end of christmas break, she missed chirstmas and new years. Classes started early and most of the professors and students needed L/N's help and assistance. Everyday, a few students and her friend blackwood went to visit her, even potter and his friends, and i should know, i was always there by her side at my free times. Everyday, a new thought always came across my mind, 'why do i care about her so much anyway?' 'why am i even here? At the side of her bed?' does thoughts have been drowning me everyday, at my meals, during my classes, before i sleep at night. Somehow, i become a softie around her. I need an answer

It was night, I've been keeping myself awake until midnight, just incase if she wakes up. Everyday, I've been waiting for her to wake up, hoping she was still alive. Reading a book, beside her bed, a light stand that was the only light you could see inside the dark room. It was quiet until i noticed Y/N's hand twitched and a few times every second. I closed my book and sat it down at the night stand as i gently held her small hand from my curiosity .. it was cold as ice, her fingertips were white and pale. My mind was still lost in thought so i continued to hold her hand, the entire night, wondering , how did i get so attached to this girl so much.


〈 5:20 a.m 〉

A blurry sight and a dizzy feeling started to flying all around my head as i feel a few soft stings at my head. I looked around only to see the hospital wing and the blue sky that was about to form as a neon orange sunrise. I hissed quietly as i felt the stinging pain fades. I tried to move but, i felt something holding my hand. I turned my face around and there he was, it wasn't something but it was someone. My eyes grew in shock, my feelings were all around. His head rested on his free hand as his other was holding mine. I felt my face heating from red blush as i almost scream from flusteredness. His hand was quite bigger than mine but it felt so warm. I slowly sat up at the soft mattress, letting my hand still in hold on his while i enjoy this moment silently. Minutes felt like it was
hours, i enjoyed the silence while watching the forming sunrise. But not before i felt his hand move, i flinched, as the potions professor finally had awoken. I immediately took my hand back, holding it down as if i still feel the warmth that he gave.

"Uhm .. good morning professor" i said unexpectedly, acting like nothing happened but deep inside i was like dancing in happiness. The black haired man looked at him after hearing my voice as i greet him, i swear i could see him smiling and was about to cry but i can sense that he can hide it all in one emotion.

"Oh .. good morning Miss L/N, i see that you have awoken, good." he said calmly, as he tried to fix his posture, trying to fix his voice. What a great way to start my morning

"Professor, what happened? And why am i at the hospital wing?" i questioned as it finally rang me. I woke up at the hospital wing, with bandages around my wrists.

"Well, do you remember ingredient picking at the forbidden forest, perhaps? You touched the stem of the flower that i told you not to and you ended up getting electrocuted. It was ... quite of a horrifying sight when i saw you laying on the ground with burned scars all over your arm" he explained, trying to avoid my eyes, explaining my foolish actions that have happened that day.

"Oh.. but how long have i been out for?"

"For about two weeks by now"

I missed two whole weeks? seriously?
I let out a big sigh to myself, feeling disappointed at my own actions. I had to fight the urge to slap myself because of my absolute stupidity, my love for severus got myself harmed and it could have been effected my job, which it did.

"Don't be so hard on yourself miss L/N, your also human, we make mistakes" a hand patted my shoulder, reassuring me and my utterly mistake. I accepted my mistake but a part of me still blamed myself.

"Um .. well thank you for saving me professor" smiling along with fidgeting my own fingertips as i looked at the professor with my brightest smile.

Snape's POV

"Um .. well thank you for saving me professor"

the little witch said as she smiles at me. I felt my face heating up, am i blushing?
I tried saying something but my voice wouldn't let me, i was speechless. All i can do was gaze at her while the light from the sunrise beamed at her, making her E/C eyes lighten up and glow even brighter.
Is this what they call a golden hour?
I felt my face soften, her attention was at the floor, what's on her mind?
Her mouth was in a agape shape, it feels like she was trying to tell something. Minutes has passed, her face looked at me with all of her attention was all on me.. and suddenly she said something that had truly shocked me.

"Professor! Is there by any chance that i can be your friend?" she said with all of her might but with a pinch of nervousness. When i said i was speechless earlier well i was wrong, this truly made me lose my words.'why in the wizarding world would she want to be in a friendship with me? Is that even possible?'

"i-i .. nevermind, that was utterly so cliche and awkward. Just forgot what i said" a proudly smile turned to a frown, like all of her colors drained out of her. I knew i have to do something. I grabbed her hand making her attention come back to me. A pinkish red blush appeared once again at her rosey cheeks, i gave a small smile at this and said.

"Of course you can Y/N" i told her this, her frown brightens to smile once again as she pulled me into a warm hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! I promise you that you will never regret this snape!" she shouted in happiness, burying her face at my chest as i hear her happy noises muffled.

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