〔 Chapter 17 , Sincere 〕

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  A pain in the chest of mine. I stood at the corridors while I watched my heart shattered and shredded into pieces.

Is this what severus have felt?

To the man i have ever loved. You gave me the right mind to believe that i could never give you another chance. Just like what you did.

   Days felt like an empty like a canvas without those colourful paint. A thick smoke that could suffocate. Lost like the woods. Barely focused, a never ending exhaustion. A new hobby to avoid this negativity we  started, the toxicity and snobbishness we filled these halls. As if we never met.

Oh to the universe who had the cleverest idea to create this nonsense we have started.

When i thought that if i could solve this problem through deep slumber, i would. Instead of this sleepless nights that blurred my vision due to the tears that didn't broke when he shattered this.. naive and fragile heart.

Wishing i could turn back time.. and fix the one i have broken


Third person

”Severus, i really should protest that you should talk things out to Y/N. This nonsense between the two of you has to end! It is effecting both jobs on the line and you two are at the edge of crossing it ”

Minerva complained, about the chaos that the two have caused. Recently it has been going all around hogwarts. Everyone knows the history between the two unrequited lovers. And with that, it becomed the hot topic of the wizarding world.

”For the last time! I don not care and i will never speak to her nor hear the smallest detail of her, end of the discussion.”

Snape debated with his colleague. Slightly raising his voice instead of a low monotonous voice as he shoved another book on the shelf. Ever since the bitterly confession happened. Everything starts to look angst. Gloomy and distasteful. Despising every detail of each other.

”You say that, but you know that i know that you still care about your job and L/N's”

”Of course i still do. I worked my life for this job. And im not letting some silly, delusional and naive 'girl' to ruin it”

”And yet, you try ruining hers”

”It is not like she tried ruining mine too!”

Severus complained once again before letting out a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose with frustration that is visibly written on his face. This passed few weeks has been awfully unpleasant. He looked down to avoid minerva's cold stare when he knew that she was being serious about it. When the thought of Y/N finally loving and accepting Snape was the only reason and proof of the causes of this negativity filling twenty-four seven.

You still love her, Don't you?”

Minerva added when severus choked down her words, knowing how deep those words were to him.

He took a second to breathe when it was too embarrassing to admit. But clearly, Severus wanted to give up with this foolish rivalry with Y/N

”i sincerely do..”

His words was all what minerva needed to hear. As she chuckled at the silliness of the two.

”If you love her so much. Why did you hurt her?”

Her words washed down even deeper. When the senses finally came in washing me in a deep guilt.

”What albus said-”

”What albus said is not a worthy excuse to stop loving her. If you truly love her, you wouldn't let some information stop you from loving someone”

Minerva cutted off snape's words instead she gave him another wise advice. Nevertheless, severus knows how foolish he was to Y/N. When he thought that insulting her and shattering her heart to pieces was the easiest but letting her go was certainly the hardest.

”I expected more from you severus. And i expect you to do the right thing”

”i know, i know... And i do wished i could go back time and fix what i have done. None of this would have happen. None of this would've hurt Y/N”

He confessed his thoughts about his own actions. Therefore he knew it was too late and had to do something else to fix this issue. He truly regret making such decision without thinking it through.

Before another one spoke, the door suddenly slammed harshly and loudly that it echoed through the room.

”Professor McGonagall! Professor snape! Thank goodness! It's about Ms. L/N! She gone missing!”


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