〔 Chapter 7 , Warmth 〕

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You finally made it to snape's office with the things we need for ingredient picking, you're a very handy person who is a professional with multitasking so you tend to carry alot of stuff. Waiting outside of his door, patiently, a smile was still painted on your face as if it never fades away, not even a single second. Waiting, you heard shrugging sound of a door knob as it swung open, revealing a tall all-in-black man, his clothes were fully layered, every clothing was the coloured black. His gloves, his mask, heck, even his jacket was black. Unlike yourself, your clothes we're the opposite colors. His eyes caught me at the side of the door, giving him a slight fright.

"Ah, Miss L/N. Your here, are you ready to go?" he said with the most softest tone I've ever heard coming from the o'l grumpy man. smiling at this, as all of your joy and excitement started fluttering all around you. Nodding as an answer as if the voice that you have was in a total speechless state, and it was. The two of you started to head to the forbidden forest, walking behind the potions professor as you gave an gentle act of skips as you walk happily with him. The man started recalling about the things we need to get at the forest but you have only remember one or two of them because you were only paying attention at his alluring voice which made your clumsiness stumble a few times while walking. Finally, the both of you finally arrived at the forest, you looked around inside the deep dark forest as a feeling of deja vu start to came across you as if you we're here before, but that wouldn't make any sense since you constantly haven't came or even came across through this dark forest. You shrug the strange feeling as you felt the man's movement, walking straight to the woods, you followed the man as you walk beside him. He told you to pick a special yellow glowing flower while he search for fairy wings. You agreed with his plan as the both of you went on with your tasks.

Admiring the beauty of the forest while roaming through the tall trees that have covered the sky that have barely let any sun light. A few minutes has pass and so as trying to search for the flower, from afar, a glowing object caught your eye as you thought it was the flower that your lovely snape ask you to do. You quickly went towards the light that was shining brighter and brighter everytime you walk closer to it. You found yourself covered with a bunch of tree branches, a few leafs and a few tiny cuts but it was worth it as your eyes met the glowing flower. Its petals was nothing like the rest, a perfect blend of bright orange and the shade of golden yellow , the bright glow that made it look so  divine, enchanting and even magnificent. You took a few more steps closer as you finally felt the warmth of the alluring flower. Before taking the flower, a thought caught you off guard, something that you must do when pulling out the roots of the. Hesitantly, your hands kept shaking and your mind was still giving you seconds thoughts.

But, you didn't want snape lose his patience while waiting for you, so, you gave up with your hesitation that was wasting seconds, minutes. You gently held the stem of the flower with as much cautiousness, before giving a soft grip of the stem, an unpleasant strong electric feeling crosses to your hand.  your arm and continued your entire body. A sudden stinging pain in your arm, grunting from the agony of being electrocuted from such innocent looking flower. Holding the tears back at your eyes as you felt your body weaken and burned that your body collapsed.

how come a small flower could be so dangerous?

    Snape's POV

    I was at forbidden forest with Miss L/N, i honestly have no idea why and how she convinced me to let her come with me for ingredient picking but a little help wouldn't hurt anyone, i guess. For some reason, being with the little witch was quite comfortable than being with my colleagues. I gave L/N a task to find a rare flower that is named 'electric dawn' . I didn't got the chance to tell that hyper energetic women the name of the plant after she just ran off after giving her the task and instructions, i just hope she knows the flower or else she will put her self in a awful state. Later on, as i was searching for the other ingredients, i heard a quite loud sound from afar, a shrugged the strange sound but as i tried to ignore it a feeling of electricity waved the entire forest and a loud grunt waved after. I felt my heart sink as i heard the feminine grunt, recognizing the voice. I ran and ran, shouting her name until my voice started to get louder. Minutes felt like hours as i try to find Y/N, a glowing sight caught my attention as i pushed the bushes only to see Y/n's body on the ground. I ran after seeing her unconscious cold body, some of her body parts has burned scars especially her hands. Her skin was more pale than it was before.

”Merlin Y/N, why didn't you listen to my instructions?”

i said as i picked her up from arms, leaving that absolute danger of a flower. Guilt and a slight of sorrow feeling was all i can feel, a part of me is blaming myself for giving a hazardous task to a very naive lady but, there's also a part of me that felt like it was stabbed after seeing L/N's body laying on the ground, unconscious. We finally made it back at hogwarts as I didn't hesitate to go to the hospital wing and just yell madam pomfrey's name, i saw a few students giving curious looks since i was carrying Miss L/N like a princess or even a bride. But that didn't matter to me. All i wanted right now is to know that she's still alive.

-Is it me or am i the only one who is squealing at this? No? Okay :D

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