〔 Chapter 14 , Running time glass 〕

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Snape's POV

I was at the teacher's lounge drinking tea with Minerva as she talks with possibly gossips or so. I listened quietly even though i only tend to listen and not actually take it seriously, Nevertheless i enjoy the unnecessary gossips. I sipped my tea as my eyes was only placed into one place, zoning out from what i believe. As i enjoy the silent void of my mind, it would not be unnoticed by mcGonagall. She gave a sudden fake cough making me feel caught off guard, nearly choking my tea and spilling it.

"Minerva. I do not appreciate being frighten just for teasing." i said. I could see her mere smirk as she was ready to start to tease, well.. that is what i thought.

"You know it very well, severus," she said. Words i could not quite understand.

"Might as well say it. Straight to the point, wouldn't you agree?" i said while taking another sip of my tea.

" i know that you love her, severus.. "

I coughed aggressively as i could feel a choking feeling at my throat. After hearing does, ridiculous words, i already know who it is, who she was stating to. I sat my cup down, coughing as i cocked an eyebrow at her.



We gave each other an intense stare, one who knows something is oddly different about someone's behaviour, and one who knows what they meant, but would still disagree with their statement. Eventually our stare broke.

"You are being ridiculous"

"Say it to yourself, you are also being ridiculous"

"I can assure you that Ms. L/N and i,
do not have such behaviour towards each other or less feelings towards each other. If so, Y/N would have told me about it as i am aware that she would never lie to me"

"And what if she did? Hm?" The old wizard said as she scoffed at me. But truth to be told, women knows such things about their fellow females than any kind of male. Narrowing my eyebrows at her as i sarcastically rolled my eyes away from her grin

"What are you trying to suggest, minerva?" i asked, i was curious as always. Side eyeing me with her own aged eyes.

"Severus, you need tell her, tell her how you feel, tell her how much you love her. Before its to late"

I narrow my eyebrows even far more, my face filled with confusion and my mind wasn't in ease. I thought for a moment about what the old witch said, a part of me says that it was nonsense but also other reminds me that minerva is a wise women, as i could see from my own perspective that i see her like a mother.

I nodded quietly but not quite sure as well, she clasp her hands in joy as she stood up from her sit

"Im glad that you agreed severus, I will give you the best of luck" she said before leaving the teacher's lounge, patting my shoulder as she trailed off to somewhere.

I was left alone, she left me with a thought i didn't know what to do. Though, what if minerva was right?

"Maybe i do, love her"



I stared at the pink and orange sky, unbelieve to what blackwood have just told me. It felt like my ears and my brain were playing tricks with me. But alas, i can not fight the truth that i kept ignoring over the years. I was in love with Severus Snape, i really did. Blackwood was right. I was crushing for him like crazy, i was madly in love with him from love in first sight. I took another deep breathe but wasn't ready to accept the truth i tried to ignore, but no, i was wrong, i was to stubborn to accept it.

Im lost with my own feelings.

"Hey Y/N" my thoughts dropped as i heard my friend calling my name. I was back to reality as i looked at my friend, worried but happy


"Don't you think it's the right time to confess it to professor snape?" he asked so calmly and normally.

"Are you crazy? Merlins no!" he rolled his eyes as if he already knows what im gonna react.

"Oh come on! You're gonna lose an opportunity to be with severus snape. He loves you as well, i just knew it!" he reassured me but it wasn't enough, i still thought that it was a risk to take. Knowing snape, who knows what he would react

"Cut the crap blackwood, i can't deal with this right now" i said as i grasped my hair in frustration. I am at the point of falling back in reality again with my old feelings towards snape but a part of me says that im still afraid if i should reclaim it. I'm afraid of losing snape. Kendrick sighed as he understands how frustrating this would be.

"Alright, if you ever make up your mind. I give you the best of luck, i support whatever decision you make."

He said before grabbing his broom. Leaving me with a small smile as he left me there, speechless or so.

I stared blankly away from reality once again and was lost at the forming pink and orange sunset. The surroundings was peaceful but your head was filled with echoing thoughts. It was not to long until the neon sky formed into a dark blue void, filled with bright stars. The cold breeze kicking in as i felt a calming shiver. I enjoy the cold feeling, the chills. But moments later, i felt a familiar warm presence. My eyes grew wide as i know who it was. The warming feeling started to come even closer, as the cold shivers become goosebumps.

”Oh, good evening professor" i said nervously, as i gave a weak smile.

”Ms. L/N, surprise seeing you in this hour. Shouldn't you be inside the castle and not outside the cold?” he said coldly abut with a slight worry as usual as he sat down next to me, not to close but with distance.

”Y/N. If i may, i have something important to tell you” he said in his monotone voice. Looking down at his knees. I gaze upon him.

”Oh..uhm.. well, you may ask, professor” i said but sounded so small. My words shutter in each letter. After knowing my past feelings towards snape, my eyes see him as a different person. The inner me was having a massive breakdown as my feelings we're giving mixed signals.


~ your author is deeply sorry for not updating— hope you understand that their busy for the moment♡♡♡

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