〔 Chapter 12 , Poet 〕

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    You sighed deeply, with the heaviest sound for the hundredth time. A freshly awaken morning but felt like it was rotten.
That nightmare has been ruining your appetite, drowning you with thoughts as you question its meaning. You stabbed the meat with your fork as your stoic face has been mimicking like severus. Speaking of severus, as you stared down on your untouched plate and was stuck at your own world. He peered at you, stealing quick glances at the corner of his eyes. Puzzling your expression that has been masking you when you entered the great hall. He wondered if it was the potion he gave you.

”Is it me or Y/N has been in her own world for quite a while now” A familiar voice suddenly appeared that made the black haired man flinch, he gave a slight stare as your friend, Kendrick, gave an awkward smile.

”My apologies professor.” he said as he shoved his worry away as he doesn't want to bother the grumpy professor once again.

”It is concerning Mr. Blackwood but it is not our priority to mind some elses..business.”
He spoke as blackwood nod as he accept his authority. But the worry and concerning state his in is still weighing his shoulders with worry. It is the same as for good o'l Snape. He kept his small glances at you as he watches the grey clouds under your sunshine.


As time past by to noon. Today you were assigned to arrange some books and place new freshly books that arrived at the library. As you carried new books to the herbology section, you stared in complete blankness. Trapped at your own world once again, a black void filled with nothing but silly and nonsense thoughts.

'What if this isn't the right section though?'
'Nonsense Y/N! You know every book in this library'
'Oh but wait, this book kinda looks interesting'

The voice in your head said uncontrollably as it keeps making unnecessary questions.
Your eyes followed with the book that has took your attention. You took the book as it was placed between the other plant related books. Caressing the leathery cover of the dusty book as you observed its pattering.
You opened the first page as it reveals its title. 'Ode the poet'   You mumbled it title as you know that this is in the wrong section or most certainly.. not in the right place. You turned your head, left to right, as you inspect the surroundings. No students. You flipped another page..and another,  you read its poems, its own story in each page.
You sat on the ground as you continue to read, falling deep into its words, being swollen to its addicting pit.

Snape's POV

   I strolled through the towering book shelves, looking for books and..stuff
Each book has its own touch of magic that had me feel a shiver. I walked pass each section. The reference, invisibility, poet, dragon and the restriction section. But one i have not yet passed by. The legal section.
I carried one or four of my books as i walked towards the legal section but only to took notice of a H/C-haired girl. Your eyes was attached with a book that you dare to read forever i thought. Sitting on the ground as you flip one page, slowly but gently. Hair strips falling as one side of it was tucked behind your ear. You we're in love with the book. Giving my self off-guard as i caught myself staring at you to much,
'what is happening to me?'

Coughing fakely giving her a frighten moment.

”Professor! Y-you scared me there”  She said with a jumpy tone as she stands up from what i believe the same spot she has been sitting on for hours.  As my long strides quickened my steps towards Y/N.
Towering over her despite our height comparison is not close to perfect. I peered my eyes on her with an questionable face.

”L/N. What are you doing here..alone.
Aren't you supposed to be working? And not reading during working hours” i said with my still stoic face as i stand proudly.

”Sorry professor, i must have lost track of time. It will not happen again.”

She apologized while caressing the book that have caused distraction. I glanced at the book's title. This book..

”Ode the poet. I see you have fallen attraction to it, it does have a lovely story in each poem, in each page. Although may i ask; ms. L/N; Isn't that supposed to be in a different section?”

i said with a pinch of curiosity in the end. Yes, i have read this book twice or so, clearly this is supposed to be placed at the poet section. She looked at me confused but so on she realized what i meant.

”Oh! Yes i do, i pretty much do! I must say that i fallen to its trap. A very lovely book though” smiling as if she have forgotten what she did just like how she forgot her job. But somehow, this girl managed to trick me into forgetting as well.

”have you read it too professor?” she asked as she gleams her eyes to me with a bright smile. Its sickening to see, but i couldn't help but not to avoid her sunshine.

”Yes i have.” Hesitate with my response as I don't know what to say. Her smile widens as i responded. Her face forming into nothing but a trilled expression. Her eyes sparkling bright and.. admiration?

”Really? That's wonderful! Oh please do read one professor! Pretty-please!” she begged as she handed me the book. I would be lying if i said i wasn't flabbergasted by this. What or who in the world would have the courage to ask me such question? Obviously–
only Y/N L/N can.
She has confidence and bravery just like a gryffindor should be. I sighed in defeat as i gave a slow nod. She squeals in joy, slightly hoping from her feet. Patience wasn't there to stop her from grabbing my arm so suddenly as she dragged me to the nearest table. We sat down next to each other, close but slight distance but close enough to feel her leg touch mine.

”Which chapter have you not read yet?” i asked.

”Hm, about.. chapter 284” she answered. Calmly but Engrossed. I flipped one page and another as it went on to feeling like hundreds but was just seconds, i finally reached into one poet that she might love.
I took one deep breath before starting as i felt her gaze was staring right at me.

Handprints collide-

All our warmth intertwined and
In the dewy space between,

I feel your heartbeat echoing mine

Our foreheads pressed together

'I'm begging for your soul to melt into mine'

I want to mix with you like oil in water
But these bodies are so constricting

This life we walk is a lonely one

We seek closeness beyond our broken skin
And maybe one day when this life is done

Our souls can connect for eternity

I adore you with every ounce of my being
Within every imperfectly perfect moment

Beyond all words and understanding
I'll love you forever and forever after

I read out the words as i can feel each sentence chants its own touch of spell, both of us were undoubtedly fallen to its pit. She listened carefully as i read the poem. I love how she found the things i find also interesting- wait love? No, no no.
Nonsense. Words are nonsense.

A/N: Greetings readers! Author speaking here. Thank you so much for reading my story, i know I haven't often been uploading but i back now! For the meantime, do tell me your thoughts about the story so far! It would really help me know everyone's opinion! Again, thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy my and our journey of this story♡

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