Wrong Malfoy Mr Potter!!

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This one is a short one for shits and giggles lmfao

Harry Potter was never a morning person, in fact he never liked mornings and quite frankly despised them. So it wasn't his fault he mistaken his sons boyfriend for his husband! They looked too much alike for their own good!

So what had happened was....

When he woke up that morning he noticed Draco wasn't by his side in bed, so he casted a temptus spell to check the time. '7:30am' shown above him making him wince and want to go back to sleep. Only problem is, he's horrible at going to sleep alone.

Harry stands up and barely remembers putting on his robes for the day and glasses. He slowly walks to the kitchen and sees Draco cooking breakfast and he walks up behind him and wraps his arms around him, morning wood and all, and kisses his neck mumbling "morning beautiful."

"I'm flattered you think I'm beautiful Mr. Potter, but I think the person you're looking for my father." Scorpius said turning around with cheeky grin.

It took Harry a moment to register what the boy in front of him said. He jumped back in horror and stutters "w-what. O-oh. Umm..." He covers his hard on completely mortified. "Scorpius what the hell are you doing here!?"

He raises a perfect eyebrow, like Draco, and says "I live here."

"I-I know that!? But you and Al were staying with Lily and Ginny!"

"Well as pleasurable it is to hangout with the Weasleys, Al wasn't feeling well and wanted to go home. Where it was quiet." He looks Harry up and down and says "is that how you always greet my father?"

Harry flushes a bright red and couldn't figure out what to say, so like anyone with some dignity left, he ran out. He can hear Scorpius dying of laughter as he ran out.

Albus stares at his boyfriend jaw slacked as he reencountered what had happened in the kitchen. "My father did what!"

Scorpius gives him a grin and says "he seriously thought I was my dad! How hysterical is that. Oh I'm so using this as blackmail!"

"Babe I-" Albus frowns and says "I'll kill him."

"Don't worry Al, it was a harmless mistake and I don't think he'll ever do that without thinking again." He plops on the bed and looks at his stomach "so how's bean in there?"


Harry winces and hides his face. "It's not my fault you two look exactly alike!"

"Potter! Unless you're saying I look 17 when I am 43 then you better stop talking!"

"You know I hate mornings and my eyesight is shit in the morning! Also you two have the same haircut and style and back end! I seriously thought it was you!"

Draco gives him the best Malfoy glare and says "why did you look at his back end?"

"Cause I thought it was you!" He said plopping back with his hands over his face. "Oh my Merlin I kissed my stepson and sons boyfriend."

"How would you feel if I did that to Albus! Huh! How could you be so idiotic!"

"Well I'd be mad only cause Albus has long hair, is shorter, and doesn't wear glasses. He also wears dark green and black, I wear red." Harry said smirking. "Whereas you and Scorpius have the same hair cut, same height, and same robes! It was an honest mistake."

Draco mumbles something about him molesting 17 year Olds and Harry rolls his eyes and gets in his lap and says "You're mine and I swear on my parents grave that I seriously thought it was you."

"Wow this is touching. But Mr. Potter try to keep the PDA in your pants." A sly voice said from the door.

For the second time that morning Harry jumps back flustered and embarrassed. He looks at Scorpius and Draco says "Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy you know better than to walk into someone's private quarters without knocking!"

"Sorry dad." He said not looking sorry at all. "I came in here to tell you that you two are needed downstairs, me and Albus want to talk to you both." The once shy and anxious boy who could trip over air, now 17 year old man, strides out of the room looking remarkably formal.

"Ok he didn't stutter once or fall over air. Somethings wrong, it's serious." Draco said narrowing his eyes and standing up following his son down the stairs.

Albus sat on the arm rest of Scorpius' chair as his boyfriend paced going on about how they're adults and graduated so they can't get mad. "Scorpius calm your tits you're making me dizzy with all your pacing." Scorpius flushes a bright red and sits down in his chair.

"What's this about boys?" Harry asked not making eye contact with Scorpius.

"Is this you two saying you want to run away for Harry's stupidity, then I don't blame you." Draco drawed out.

Albus smirks and says "no, but dad I do suggest you never touch my fiance again or I'll fight you."

"It'll never happen again!" Harry said sounding like a teenager who got caught sneaking out.

"Wait did you say fiance?" Draco asked tentatively.

"Yes he did grandpa." Scorpius said grinning.

"Hold up Grandpa! I'll have you know Scorpius Malfoy that I'm not scared to bend you over my knee for calling me old!"

Albus snorts and says "well Draco, you're literally a grandpa!"

"You too Albus Severus! I am not scared."

Harry's eyes widen understanding what they're saying and says "You're only 17!"

"And we're out of Hogwarts and getting married." Albus said daring his father to fight him. "Also you have no room to talk. You molested my man this morning."

He blushes and looks away as Draco says "someone please elaborate."

"Albus is pregnant dad." Scorpius said smirking.

Draco expertly passes out.

The end.

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