v. the bestiary

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"the monster is always someone you know."


"No, I mean bestiary." Stiles huffed at Alora's words before looking pointedly at Allison. "And the two of you, I don't want to know what's going on in your heads."

Recently, Scott had revealed that Deaton— his boss— knew about the supernatural and helped him. Deaton had also said that Gerard Argent had a book, or bestiary as Stiles was calling it, with information on every supernatural being the Argents and Athenia's have encountered.

Allison nodded with an amused smile. "Okay. Can you describe this thing?"

"It's probably, like, a book. Old, worn.."

"Like, bound in leather?" Allison asked, having seen Gerard with it before.

Stiles was soon running back and forth between Scott and the girls.

"Where.. does he.. keep it?"

He took a puff of his inhaler after he came running back for a third time.

"Drug dealers have been using disposable cell phones pretty successfully for years." Stiles heaved.

Alora shook her head. "Our parents check every call, email and text message we send. They even check mine now because my wonderful cousin over here is sneaking around with her boyfriend and they're suspicious. Trust me, they'd find it."

"Alright. Can you get the book?" Stiles questioned.

Allison blinked a few times. "Not without his keys."


"He gives me the creeps." Alora grumbled as Allison pulled her into their grandfather's office.

He had wanted to see the lacrosse game tonight and figured his granddaughters would be good company.

Gerard used his keys to lock up his office before shoving them into his pocket, Alora eyeing his every movement. "I need to warn you two, by the way. You girls might need to be a little patient with me."

"How come?" Allison softly asked.

"I'll probably have a lot of questions, seeing as I've never actually seen a lacrosse game before."

Allison and Alora took his arms with a small, slightly fake laugh.


Allison kept giving Alora the side eye so she could make her move and Alora kept ignoring her. In the training school, they taught stealth, timing, and manipulation.

Alora finally gave in and faked a sniffle, figuring now would be a good time to trick Gerard into giving up his coat. "I knew I should have brought a warmer jacket."

"You're cold. Here, take my coat." Gerard offered, standing up.

"Are you sure?" Alora sweetly asked, standing up to wrap herself in the heavy coat.

"Oh, yeah. Here."

She shoved her hands into the pockets and tuned out the world as she attempted to find the keys. Finally, her fingers latched onto the cold metal and quietly pulled it out. Alora finally spotted Stiles walking by and stuck her hand out with the keys.

She felt his hand work into hers, grabbing the keys before walking off.


Nothing here.

They both frowned, not knowing what to do until Scott scored the winning goal. Alora cheered her friend on before she noticed a very large player charging at the boy.

A sudden sickening crack echoed across the field as Scott harshly landed on his back. Allison and Alora rushed onto the field before their grandfather could reach Scott and find out he was a werewolf.

"I'm fine, I'm healing. It's okay." Scott rushed his words out. "The book!"

Alora shrugged. "Stiles couldn't find it in the office. It has to be at Allison's house since Gerard is staying there."

"Scott, your leg. Oh, my God, your leg is broken." Allison panicked.

"Not for long." The boy groaned as he began to stand up.

"Don't move!" Coach instructed as Melissa McCall also reached them.

"It's okay, it's okay." Scott slightly limped. "I'm fine, I'm fine."

Melissa had wide eyes as she looked at her son in pure confusion. "I could have sworn I literally heard bone breaking from where I sat."

"Heard it?" Coach scoffed. "I felt it."

"Seriously guys, I'm fine." Scott assured.

Alora had a bad feeling it wasn't going to end well if he grandfather found out what Scott was.

"We should go." Alora quickly suggested.

"Hold on." Gerard stopped her. "I wanna ask him one more thing."

author's note:
short chapter, i was feeling slightly unmotivated lol.

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