ix. poison party

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"the mind can be an earth shattering weapon."


"Hey, sweetie, you got a second to talk?" Hera's voice slightly trembled, something Alora picked up on.

Alora shook her head. "I can't, I'm headed to Allison's."

"Oh, well, when will you be back?" She asked.

"I don't know, Mom." Alora impatiently sighed.

"I'd really like it if we could talk right now." Hera nodded, rubbing her wounded shoulder.

Alora crossed her arms. "I'm busy, okay? Can it wait?"

"Okay," The older woman smiled. "Do you know when you'll be home?"

"I don't know!" She gritted out in annoyance. "I'm sorry, but can it just wait a few hours?"

Hera gave a sad smile. "Sure, honey. I love you."

"You too." She mumbled, walking out into the warm sun and going to Allison's place.

When Alora got to her cousin's room, she spotted the dark haired girl sitting at her desk.

Alora plopped herself on the bed with a sigh. "So, you're sure Jackson's being controlled?"

"Yeah." Allison tossed the iPad over to Alora, who caught it and began to read the translations. "Lydia got that much out of the pages, and she was confused. But she was sure that it said master."

"Master.." Alora mumbled. "Do we have any idea on who it could be?"

"Not yet." Allison sighed. "And after that weird kiss thingy with Matt at the party, I don't think I can even handle the supernatural right now."

"Wait, Matt kissed you?" She gasped, sitting up. "You never told me that!"

"Sorry, but I think I was just trying to pretend it never happened." Allison chuckled.

Alora suddenly thought of something. "What if it's Matt?"


"What if Matt is controlling the Kanima— or Jackson, whatever." Alora explained. "I mean, think about it. Every time something has happened, Matt was there. At the rave, you said he was in detention with you guys when Jackson became the Kanima and attacked, he was the one who gave Jackson the camera with the missing footage in the first place. It's kinda convenient, don't you think?"

As Allison began to think about it, a certain strawberry blonde waltzed in with three bags from Macy's.

"Clear your guys' schedules— this could take a while." Lydia smirked before lying the bags on Allison's bed next to Alora.

"..How many outfits do you plan on wearing tonight?" Allison lightly chuckled.

"It's my birthday party!" Lydia said as if that explained it before she began pulling outfits out. "I'm thinking host dress, evening dress, then, mmm.. after-hours casual?"

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