xiv. sleep

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"there's comfort in silence. or there's crazy."


"I don't know. It doesn't look like much to me." Lydia said, inspecting their bruises.

Allison pulled her arm away. "It's a pattern. It means something."

"You actually think Scott's gonna know what it is?" Alora asked, taking another turn.

"No, but he might know someone who does." Allison replied.

"How are you so sure that it means anything at all?" Lydia questioned.

"Because that girl wasn't just looking for Scott and Alora. It's like she needed to find them." Allison answered.

"That's great." Alora muttered.

"Like she had to. And that means something." Allison added on.

Lydia leaned back in her seat as Alora drove to the location Scott sent Allison to meet him at.

The girls pulled up and parked on the street as Scott came outside. They walked up to meet each other, Scott glancing between Alora and Lydia.

"This isn't the talk we were gonna have, is it?" Scott assumed.

Allison shook her head. "I need to show you something."

She pulled up her sleeve to reveal the bruise before explaining everything to him.


Derek skeptically looked at the bruises on Allison and Lydia's forearms.

"Look again." Scott requested.

"How is a bruise gonna tell me where Boyd and Erica are?" Derek incredulously asked as Alora rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

Scott tried to reason. "It's the same on both sides! Exactly the same."

"It's nothing." Derek repeated.

"Pareidolia." Lydia simply stated. "Seeing patterns that aren't there." Everyone turned to the girl in impressment and confusion. "It's a subset of apophenia.."

Scott sighed. "They're trying to help."

Derek incredulously asked. "These three?" He pointed at Lydia. "This one, who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle—" He sarcastically smiled. "Thank you—" He then pointed at Allison "This one, who shot about thirty arrows into me and my pack?" And finally, Alora. "And this one, who threw about ten daggers into Erica and Boyd."

"It was closer to twenty." Alora corrected with a sweet smile before shrugging. "Isaac seemed to forgive me."

"Because he has a crush on you." Derek deadpanned.

Alora shrugged with a cocky smirk. "Who doesn't?"

Stiles sighed, interrupting them. "Okay, all right, now, come on.. No one died, all right? Look, there may have been a little maiming, okay? A little mangling, but not death! And that's what I call an important distinction."

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